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RE: Are we producing genius or survivor?

in #life6 years ago

Where I live the state is teaching them things that I question. If I did have a child I would want them to be home schooled and I would teach them what they are teaching in school and also teaching them what I would like them to know. If you give them two ways of thinking then they can apply critical thinking. By teaching them what the world teaches, then teach what the Bible would teach. Then using science test the theories of the world against what is taught in the scriptures. So one example is the curve of the earth. Science teaches that the earth is a globe and the scriptures teach that the earth is flat and is not moved. Well, then I would get them to prove if there is a curve by the rules of curvature being 8 inches per mile squared. So 30 miles from the Statue of Liberty you should not see the Statue of Liberty. Yet people from twice that distance can see the Statue of Liberty. I would ask with the information given, what is your conclusion? They can either choose the way of the world or do critical thinking and choose to think that the earth is flat. Unless new information is offered. We must go away from indoctrination to critical thinking. Can you imagine how this world would be with children that will use critical thinking?

I like the scripture, Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6.


Thank you for this complete comment.
Critical thinking taught to our children could certainly produce a society better than the current one.

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