My Neighbor Went To Buy A New Battery 7.24.2020

in #life4 years ago

You see my neighbor decided to just buy a brand new battery. She told the guy the make, model and year of the vehicle and still she got the wrong battery.

I was afraid that might happen. Well, my neighbor is in Texas doing some business and his wife just decided to get a brand new battery and her son asked if I could put it in for them.

Well, changing a battery is not that hard for me, so I told the son I would do it for them. So I went to take out the old battery. I told the son that his mom should take this old battery to the place where she got the new battery as they will always charge for the old core and when you bring in the old battery they will give back that money to the customer.

Well, the son showed me the new battery and I notice that the posts were opposite of what that vehicle needed. I told the son that the mom will have to bring back the new battery as it was a wrong battery for that vehicle.

Well, when I buy a battery I either draw out where the positive and negative posts are supposed to be in the battery and I will double check as those counter people may make a mistake and I hate to go back to get the right one. One should be able to get the right battery at the first try.

Well, as I was taking out the old battery, the son was texting his mom in the house. Then the son ask me if I could take him to the auto parts place to get the right battery. Well, I told him sure, but that he needed the receipt or he wouldn't get anything from that store.

So I decided to even clean up that old battery some as I figured I would be carrying in that old battery and the son will be carrying in the wrong new battery.

One thing is I hate the dirt on an old battery. I just have to wash my hands after handling an old battery. Then I told the son I wanted to go into my house and wash my hands before we go there. I wash my hands and that even gave me a chance to get the cat in the house and give her a treat and for me to get my glasses.

Then I went to my truck and got out my gloves as I was going to carry that old battery into the store. Well we loaded up the old and new wrong battery.

I asked the son if he had a mask on him. He forgot to bring a mask. I had one in my pocket and I even had one in my car, I brought the 93 Honda Accord. So I told the son I made a mask that I don't really use and that I had a mask in my pocket. So he put that mask on and we went into the store.

The son told the guy that they bought the wrong battery. I mentioned that the posts were opposite of what was needed and I showed him the old battery and told him we needed the post to be like this battery.

So the man got another battery that had the posts in the right place and was even the same size as the old battery. That is what we needed. Then I told the guy that we brought in the old core so the son could get the core money back.

Well, he put a label on the old core and did bring the right battery to another registrar and took out the money owed for the core. He gave it to the son with a new receipt. So we got out of there and headed back to the vehicle.

I put the battery in and I told the son to fire it up. We were not sure if the battery was the only problem as it could have just been one of the problems. I told the son earlier that hopefully it is just the battery, but it might be the starter also.

Well, anyway the son turn the key and it actually started and the son was cheering and me too. He called his mom in the house and let her know that it just needed a new battery. Well, they were so happy that they decided to give me the core money plus 2 more dollars. So they gave me a total of $20 for my trouble. I thanked them and mentioned that I really appreciated it.

Well, I am happy that it all worked out.

Let's end with a scripture, I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all. Ecclesiastes 9:11.

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Thank you, David.

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