My Mom's Mandarin Tree 7.26.2020

in #life4 years ago (edited)


I took this picture as I just finished mowing my mom's lawns last Friday. This is her little mandarin tree. I think that it will not fruit very much or at all this time.

Maybe the wind blew away all its blossom or its little fruit. So we will have to hope for its next cycle and hopefully it will fruit well, like the year before.

Yes, the year before there was a lot of fruit, but not this time. I would imagine how a farmer would do when his trees have a bad year and the fruit was not good or good enough to bring to market.

So that is about my mom's mandarin tree.

On my own trees there are some problems too. My nectarine tree did fruit, but the seed has more volume than its fruit. So the fruit with my nectarine tree is not as good as in past years.

Same thing with my fig tree. There were figs earlier in the year, but they must have fallen off before they got ripe. In August is usually the second crop, but the second crop is not much at all.

I did have a lot of blossoms on my lemon tree this year, but I only seen one fruit for the season. Maybe the wind knocked down the fruit.

Over all not a good year, for those trees. So it is not just mom's tree, some of my trees are having a bad season too.

I will have a good season for my purple grapes though. Well, I will look forward to my purple grapes and plan to freeze them, God willing.

Frozen grapes are a great treat during a very hot day.

They are also good as a sweetener for my protein shakes.

So we will have to look forward to a better season next time around.

Let's end with a scripture, as it is written, with Jesus speaking, I am the vine, ye the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. John 15:5.

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Thank you, David.
Image is mine, taken with my Moto G.

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