My Friend's Water Filter And A Story Behind It

in #life6 years ago


This is a gravity water filter by Nikken. This was actually my friend's water filter. My friend passed away in 2008. Wow. Has it been 10 years already? I was supposed to take care of giving away her stuff. I took her water filter.

I still have pots and pans and dishes I have to bring to a donation center. With certain things I am just a procrastinator. Yes, I should have given those things away years ago. Right now they are still in boxes in a room.

I even inherited her cat. Only thing was my cat at the time didn't like her cat. I didn't know that till I took my friends cat home with me.

My cat that was 11 at the time died that same year as my friend, but later in the year. About a month after my cat at the time died, my friends cat died too. I think my friends cat was 17 years old at the time he died. So my friend's cat was an old cat.

I remember calling into work when each cat died. I told them I couldn't work cause I had a cat that just died. My work was understanding and gave me time off work with no pay for both of those times. That helped me.

Sometimes people have a hard time dealing with death. Of course it is hard. When one of my sisters died in 2005 with cancer, I took a lot of her things and just stored it in my house. I hate paying rent at a storage place.

Well, anyway I tell my 2 nephews that I have the pictures of them with their mom and dad. My sister died 13 years ago. My nephews still haven't picked up those pictures yet.

I have 2 totes and a suitcase full of pictures of my sister and her husband at the time and my nephews. I am thinking looking at those pictures might get them all emotional. I think my nephews are 31 and 29 years old now.

Well, I still have my mom and they lost their mom when they were teenagers.

That will be one sad day when my mom dies. I try not to think of that day that will come eventually. My dad had passed away in early 2009. My mom had me go over her papers of her pre-funeral needs. I really don't want to think about stuff like that.

I guess it is good to know, cause I think of the rest of my siblings, I will have to take care of such things.

Wow, I started talking about a gravity water filter and ended up talking about when loved ones pass on.

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Thank you, David.
Image is mine taken with my Moto G.

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