My Cat 8.3.2020

in #life4 years ago


This is my cat. Sometimes I think about, well, what will I write about now? Then I look around, and there is my cat. Well, it is time to write about my cat again.

I took this picture about 11 days ago and she is snuggled next to my monitor. Now she is right here before my keyboard, so my arms are being tickled by her fur.

Well, she always wants to be around me. Lately it is so hot that I write without my shirt on, and sometimes my cat sneezes. Well, she sneezes snot right on my skin. That is kind of nasty, but I wipe it off myself and try to wipe the nose of my cat. Well, that stuff you have to put up with when you have a cat.

Well, most of the time she is a good cat. One of the things she likes to do is to lay on my modem/router device. I guess because it is warm. There is even this grill thing on the top where my cat sometimes gets one of her claws stuck in. Then I have to hold her in place and gently remove her claw from the grill.

Well, her claws come in handy when she wants to climb up one of my trees. I think I have seen her climb up every one of my trees except my plumb tree and who knows she might have climbed up that tree when I wasn't looking.

She hardly ever sleeps in my room when it is hot, but when winter comes then she comes to me and sleeps on my chest or stomach or somewhere on or around my body.

Yes, I guess my cat will use me as her heated pillow. I do have to think ahead as winter is on its way, even though it will stay hot for awhile.

There are some pieces of wood that I might want to cut even more as sometimes splitting wood is harder as I get older. The smaller pieces are easier to split than the larger pieces. So I just may get my electric chainsaw out and cut my pieces in half to make splitting a bit easier.

I am glad that I do have a fireplace and it sure does come in handy during the winter even though the winter is a little way from us. Even my cat likes to lay near the fire on those cold days.

I usually have another chair next to my chair that my cat can lay on and enjoy the warm fire with.

So my cat just got up and went someplace else in my house to find some new adventure.

Let's end with a scripture, as it is written, But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed. James 1:25.

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Thank you, David.
Image is mine, taken with my Moto G.

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