Morning Glory In My Backyard 4.18.2021

in #life3 years ago


I saw these flowers in my backyard and took a picture of them some days ago as I was walking my backyard.

Walking my backyard is good as I can walk and still stay close to home. Plus walking my backyard lets me know the different things I need to do for my backyard, and I am exercising at the same time.

Well, the body does need to exercise as the body does need to move. Of course a body that doesn't move will be more out of shape than a body that does move about.

Also walking can be a good way to move and when walking I will be using some of my largest muscles and also in working my legs, I will also work my brain. Well, all kinds of different processes are happening in the brain when one walks as the brain will have to fire all the muscles that have to move and all muscles that have to do with balance is working too.

Also walking the backyard can help me get some sunshine and in doing so I will get some vitamin D and in getting some free vitamin D, I am doing my part in fighting viruses.

Of course as I am writing there are people that are worried about the coronavirus. Am I worried about the coronavirus? No I am not worried about this coronavirus event as I will fight viruses the way, I like to fight viruses.

Anybody coughs in my face just to be mean or maybe by accident, well I just go home and put some drops of peppermint oil on a napkin and bring it to my nose and breathe in the small particles of peppermint oil that can kill viruses. So breathing in the scent of peppermint oil will help to kill viruses in my airways and the lungs of my body.

Will I ever take one of those coronavirus event tests? No, I will not as those swabs that they use, use bristles that will shed in the air passages and they do that on purpose. So what is the agenda? They don't want to check if you have the coronavirus, they want to put the virus in you. Well, that is my opinion anyway.

Look at the swabs under a magnifying glass and notice the bristles, you would think that they would use cotton swabs, but they want to leave something in your airways, maybe some nano technology. Of course my opinion.

So no swabs for me. Ok, I was just ranting a bit.

So lets get back to the morning glory that I found in my backyard. Isn't it a pretty flower?

Let's end with a scripture, as it is written, I have more understanding than all my teachers: for thy testimonies my meditation. Psalm 119:99.

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Thank you, David.
Image is mine, taken with my Moto G.

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