Mom Calls Me Saying They Want Her To Go On Fosamax Again

in #life5 years ago


Mom was on Fosamax for 5 years already and they want her to go back on it again? Now I am no doctor, so please look into this yourself, I will just tell you as I understand it.

Fosamax is to help you if your bones are brittle, but after 5 years on the medicine it could cause your bones to become brittle. Now they want to put my Mom on this Fosamax again? She has been on it 5 years before. So it sounds they want to put her into the danger zone.

I mean I don't know if certain people are getting kickbacks on these things or not. If your first reason to even take this product is for brittle bones, then they say it can cause brittle bones, then it sounds like double speak to me.

It kind of reminds me of Pelosi saying we don't know what is in the bill, but we have to pass the bill to find what is in the bill. Who wants to listen to stuff like that. I hope she gets voted out on the next round.

Ok, back to my Mom. You see why I don't like doctors? Doctors seem to listen to the pharmacists. It is a product that some can get kickbacks off of. Everything about this sounds fishy.

So how does one get a senior adult to have strong bones? Again I am no doctor, but I did check out a video of Dr Eric Berg DC and he was talking about people taking calcium, but not improving. The thing that he mentions is that calcium needs something that would transport the calcium, that would be vitamin D3 and vitamin K2.

Well you can get vitamin D3 in almost any store and also from the sunshine. For vitamin K2 I really didn't know too well, but I found some on sale on Amazon. Maybe I can take some of that for myself too. Also for vitamin K2 do a study on foods high in vitamin K2.

I also checked out a another Youtube video called, Why should you NOT use the drugs prescribed for Osteoporosis. It is put up by IMPractitioners. In this short video it talks about avoiding these types of drugs and that includes Fosamax.

The woman talking says she doesn't think anyone should be on these drugs.

Well you see this drug will kill the cells that take out the damage bone cells, what she calls, the trash cleaners of bone. So without the trash cleaners or the cells that breakdown cells of the bone cells that need to be replaced, the body will build on bone cells that have not been cleaned out to lay the new foundation.

Well I am wording it the way I think I understand it. Just think of a rotting wood frame, now instead of taking out the rotted wood frame and replacing it with something new, you build on top of the rotting wood frame. You see the dangers it can cause in the long run?

That is how the body works, cells tear down certain cells and other cells build up certain cells and it all should be in balance. Take away the balance and it will go lopsided. OK, that is the way that I understand it. I will talk Mom out of not taking this drug again as she was on it for 5 years already and it will just make things worse.

Nobody will want to throw out the trash collector and just build on trash. That would not make any sense at all.

Let's end with a scripture, Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? 1 Corinthians 1:20.

Sources 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

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