Leaves and Figs Appearing On My Fig Tree

in #life6 years ago


Little figs are showing up with the leaves. Hopefully I will have a good year with figs this summer. It looks like a lot of fig fruit showing up now.

I was telling one of my aunties that my mom and I visit. She was complaining about the wasps that visit her balcony were she has her plants and flowers.

I told her that I see wasps at my garden. I just make sure I don't swat at them. They never attack me. She told me that if they sting her, she would probably die.

I told her that the wasps lay their eggs in the male fig fruit. The female wasps enters the small hole in the male fig fruit and then loses her wings inside that fruit.

Well then what happens is that the fruit absorbs the female wasp to the point that if you bite into that fruit you will not see the wasp. I asked my auntie if she like figs and she had a disgusted look on her face and said she doesn't eat figs.

I always like eating figs. My dad was a postal carrier when I was a kid and one of the people that my dad used to deliver mail to would give him of the figs of his tree.

Ever since then I would always eat fresh figs when they were around. In those days they were only around when they were given to my dad.

Later on my dad worked his way to be a supervisor of a certain Post Office that was failing. He then brought it up to standard then surpassed it as that Post Office was recognized as processing more pieces of mail per hour than any other post office at that time.

I think this was in the 70's when this happened. My dad passed away in 2009.

Let's get back to the figs. When I was a kid walking home from my grade school at the time I found a tree that was in the ditch beside the road. It must have been a volunteer. I recognized that fruit as the ones that my dad brought home.

It was a fig tree that was growing on the side of the road in the ditch. I ate some figs there then put some in my lunch pail. I had friends with me that was wondering why I was so happy about that tree on the side of the road.

If I remember right, I was the only one eating those figs. Maybe those other kids didn't know about figs. In our stores they don't sell figs. Well, I guess cause they would get bruised too easily before they would get to market.

I remember the Fig Newton cookie sold in the stores, but I really didn't like that cookie. I would rather eat the fresh fruit.

My fig tree was already there when I moved into my home 29 years ago. So I don't even know how old my fig tree is, but I do like it's fruit.

I remember a scripture, when Jesus seen a fig tree. As it is written, And when he saw a fig tree in the way, he came to it, and found nothing thereon, but leaves only, and said unto it, Let no fruit grow on thee henceforward for ever. And presently the fig tree withered away. Matthew 21:19.

The fig tree had leaves, but no fruit. God the Father will always look at us and see if we have the fruits of the spirit. If we are missing the fruits of the spirit then that is not good.

Also Jesus said, Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit. John 15:2.

If we repent, accept Jesus and do the will of the Father and continue until the end, then our fruits of the spirit will be present. What are the fruits of the spirit? It is written, But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23.

It is also written, Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. Revelations 2:10.

Let's get back to my fig tree. This tree brings out the fruit at the same time when the leaves appear. I like that.

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Thank you, David.
Image is mine, taken with my Moto G.

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