Flowers At My Mom's Bank 7.3.2020

in #life4 years ago


I took my mom to the bank yesterday and we waited in a line. In the line we noticed these flowers. Mom thought they were pretty. After awhile we notice that the line seemed to only go to the ATM machine.

Mom stayed in the line and I walked up to the bank door and it is closed inside, nobody in the bank. So we got out of the line and went back to the car. Mom doesn't like to use the ATM machine.

Mom already had to go to this newer location. Mom's regular bank closed there inside and only the ATM is opened. So now this newer location that we have gone to for the last two months is now just doing ATM and the inside is now closed.

So to regroup I took mom to her home. I even called, Bank Of America , that is her bank. On the phone they just mentioned going to the computer and do online banking.

Well, Mom is not a computer person and does not want to learn how to use a computer and also does not have a computer. Well, then I thought I would search with my phone.

I found that the location that we just left just mentioned ATM and no regular banking mentioned. So now that location will just be for ATM for the time being.

There was a mention of 2 locations that mentioned that they would close at 4 PM. Well, that sounded like their inside is open. So I took Mom to the location that was closer to her.

It was actually a location that my mom used to go to back in the 60's when I was a kid. So I kind of remember going there when I was little.

We got to the bank and noticed a line. So I parked the car and we walked up to where the line was. I asked where the end of the line was and the people pointed to the end. I even asked a guy in the line if this line goes to get inside of the bank. Well, I didn't want to get in the line for an ATM again.

So after we got in, I asked Mom if this bank looks like it was on the inside as in the 60's. Mom told me that it all looks different.

Well, Mom did get to do her couple of transactions and we got out of there. Well, I told Mom that this is the place that we will have to go to from now on until something changes again.

Hopefully, this location will remain opened on the inside.

Let's end with some scripture, as it is written, And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves, And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves. Matthew 21:12-13.

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Thank you, David.
Image is mine, taken with my Moto G.


Flowers are a kind of human plant

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