Conversations With Katie, The Girl That Cuts My Hair - January 2018

in #life6 years ago


I did try to get an appointment with Katie last week. I usually just text her. Then she texted me that she was at her mom's in Utah.

So she told me that she had openings the next Tuesday. So I took the latest opening she had 2:30. I see by her clock that I am on time.

We started to talk about travel and airplanes. She told me that she took this airline that buys old planes and she said something about the people that they hire.

Well now that I am home I am checking out this airline by the name of Allegiant Air. I found a Youtube video called, Former Allegiant Air mechanic says passengers should be concerned with airline's safety.

It was put up by ABC Action News. It's just a 3 minute video that tells a lot. Now I'm feeling that I don't think I would like to fly on that airline.

I mentioned about how airline pilots don't get paid that much and to make ends meet they take on another job. I mentioned that sometimes cause of the two jobs they might get too sleepy.

So Katie mentioned that the plane flies itself, cause of the auto pilot.

I mentioned that auto pilot is used at most of the flight, but at take off and landing. Then I mentioned that most of the accidents happen at take off or landing. Then Katie thought about it.

Then we started to talk about self driving cars. I mentioned that I don't trust self driving cars. Then I mentioned if you get in an accident with a self driving car who do you sue? Owner of the vehicle or builder of the vehicle? Well, it is something to think about, maybe both.

I mentioned that I thought self driving cars were in Las Vegas. Well I did just look up self driving cars in Las Vegas and I found an article called, A self-driving shuttle in Las Vegas got into an accident on its first day of service by Nick Statt.

Well there you have it. An accident on the first day. I don't want anything to do with self driving cars.

You see in my mind a self driving car is controlled by computer. Well does anyone know a computer that cannot get hacked? I believe that all computers can get hacked.

So what if an assassin would hack your vehicle while you are driving it and have you ram into their mark with increased speed? That could be the perfect alibi.

Ok, Katie and I didn't talk about the assassin thing, it was a thing that I thought about as I am writing.

We did talk about smart phones and all the data that it uses. I think we talked about how the GPS in our phones are tracking us.

I know that one time I was at Winco and the phone later in the day asked me to rate Winco. I'm going to have to learn to shut down certain parts of my phone.

I think Katie told me she disables certain things on her phone cause it makes her phone go really slow if it is on.

As Katie is finishing up my hair we talk about the blog that I will write. Katie liked that last one I wrote. She told me that as she was reading it she was thinking, We did talk about that and that and the other thing.

So I pay her and we give each other a hug and I tell her I'll see her next month.

Maybe she will like this blog too.

Sources 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

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Thank you, David.
Image is mine taken with my Moto G.


Thanks David Before we fly next time we have to check

Yes, do check it out. Thank you very much @scotty777!

I do enjoy your blog David

I scared of flying anymore lol.

I don't like flying that much anymore too.

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