A Picture Of The Moon On 9/21/2018 And Some Random Thoughts

in #life6 years ago (edited)


I walked outside on this night and seen our moon up there, looking bright. I thought I would capture it.

The moon helps us with the passing of time. When I look at my account on steemd.com it says my age is 18 moons. Well, it has been 18 moons since I joined Steemit.com.

In those 18 moons I would write stuff that was in my head. I would actually pretend I am talking to someone as I write these blogs. Maybe it helps me to express myself.

I keep mentioning a book called, If You Can Talk, You Can Write by Joel Saltzman. Well, that is what I have been doing with my writing, talking to you out there in the world of Steemit blogs.

If you have been following me for awhile or just happened to stumble on my writing this day or night, I thank you for stopping by.

It is my hope that you too would write blogs and tell of your adventures as you go through your life experiences. I have written of a time when I knew not how to handle a horse and ended up with a really big horse with lots of strength.

I mentioned that the owner of the business got mad at me cause I brought back his mule and told him it was too slow. It is kind of like bringing back food in a restaurant. The cook might get a little angry.

Well, the owner of this horse riding place in Mexico got a little angry with me and gave me what I think was his strongest horse. What seemed to be his daughter kept saying, No, papa, no.

Maybe she thought I might kill myself on that horse. Well, anyway the owner told me to get on this really big horse, kind of in a mean voice. I got on. Then he said something in Spanish and slapped the horse with is hand on the horse's ass.

Well, then at that moment the horse went up on his hind legs. Well, I thought, this is like popping a wheelie on a motorcycle. So I just went with it.

Then when the horse was on 4 legs again it just started to run and I mean with terrific speed. Remember I am not trained in riding a horse. I didn't know how to make it turn right or left or make that horse stop.

So this horse ran and it ran faster then Forest Gump running out of the stadium as he played football. Before I knew it I and this horse were on the beach. That horse was running like a mad horse into battle.

Thing was there was a couple there minding their own business looking at the waves come into the sand. At the same time I and this horse are still going at tremendous speed. We look like we are headed for that couple.

Like I said, I don't know how to make the horse go left or right or stop. I should have asked someone in my group that wanted to ride horses.

Oh, by the way this happened I think in 1976 during a high school break. I think I was 17 years old at the time. I went to Mexico with a group of young people my age with the YMCA.

So, back to me and the super fast horse, that I think is related to the famous horse called, Secretariat. Well, maybe not, but that horse was big like Secretariat, the triple crown winner of 1973.

So, I am on this horse that I do not know how to control and we are headed for this couple on the beach. I am thinking in my head, Please look at me and this horse and jump out of the way.

Well, they did finally look to their right and see me and this crazy horse that likes to run like he is in battle. Well, this couple jumped out of the way and the horse ran over their beach towel that they were lying on.

Man, I could have killed those two people. I am so glad that they didn't get hurt. Well, that horse kept on running. It kept on running till it finally got so tired that it began walking. Wow, I almost killed a couple with this big horse. Maybe I should have kept the mule and not complain.

Well, I don't get on horses anymore. I learned my lessen. Like I am talking to myself saying, David, don't ride horses anymore.

Funny how looking at the moon can bring back memories of the past.

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Thank you, David.
Image is mine taken with my Moto G.

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