Well no i don't have i hear that they are kinda pesky characters:))) but!!!!
Well no i don't have i hear that they are kinda pesky characters:))) but!!!! hold on he really has title to the records for sure and these days is s strange everywhere you go they politely ask you to please use Purell a volnté . Needless to say after the third and forth time the hands start getting pretty soft and blanched lol :))) but this mask thing is really the breaking point for a lot of people it's just not supposed to happen here but it is here ...
thats clearly a message that god is a creationist :p
now ... who would "buy" that for dollars ;-)
do they still do that thing on tv where they lay hands and stuff ? cuz
with the holy 'coon' in the program that might be real money machine, depending on the target audience lol ... oo careful ,public chain and stuff
lol :)