The Power of Choice: on Becoming a Cosmic Adventurer

in #life7 years ago

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Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about choice. I’ve reached a bit of a crossroads in my life and it has me contemplating the nature of such moments and their cosmic significance.

I wrote previously about quantum mechanics and the collapse of the quantum wave function: the process through which a field of possibility manifests as a single reality. Specifically, I discussed the many theoretical interpretations of what the observation of such process means. One of those theories is the Many Worlds Theory.

Essentially, what the theory says is that when there is an event that is determined by the collapse of the quantum wave function, there are multiple realities that exist. When the wave function “collapses,” the reality hasn't changed. What has changed is that we have entered one of the particular realities, though the other still exists.

The easiest way to illustrate is with the famous Schrodinger's Cat thought experiment. There’s a cat in a box with a container of poison that will kill the cat instantly. We cannot see inside the box, but inside there is a random event determined by the quantum wave function that will either release the poison or keep it contained. The cat will either sit their unperturbed or be poisoned and die.

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Before we open the box, both of these possibilities exist. The Many Worlds Theory would say both of these realities do exist. Eventually, someone opens the box and we observe that the cat is dead. That means we are living in the reality that the cat has died. Elsewhere, though, in an alternate reality, we have opened the box to discover the cat is alive.

What does this mean for us?

Similar to Schrodinger’s Cat, we often encounter moments in our lives where multiple possibilities exist. We call these moments of choice. Do I talk to that girl at the bar or do I just head on home? Do I quit my job now or stick it out another week? Do I buy Aquafresh toothpaste or stick with my Crest?

Some of these choices seem trivial, while others seem pivotal. Though, the theory goes that every one of these choices send us into a completely unique parallel reality. Therefor, through the simple act of choice, we traverse the infinite Multiverse.

Now this is an interesting philosophical thought, but what happens when you really embody that understanding?

I recall a moment several months ago when I was driving down the road. I was looking for a job at the time and so was paying attention as I drove. What I noticed were countless “now hiring” signs along the side of the road. Casinos, grocery stores, car dealerships, restaurants: all of these places were hiring. I knew that I could walk into any of these places, say the right things, and get myself a job.

As I considered this, my consciousness suddenly shifted. For a brief moment, I was inhabited a cosmic view. All these options weren’t just mundane choices, but portals to other worlds. Each was a doorway I could step through, leading me to a new life.

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Each choice leads to one reality, which leads to countless more. We’re not just pebbles, blown around by Cosmic force. Rather, we are journeyers on a path—replete with twists and turns! Countless forks lead to countless worlds, like the branches on a tree. We alone may choose to take a path. And in that way we are free.

I reveled in this state of being for quite a while, enjoying the feeling of bliss. It eventually passed, and I returned to my more typical state of anxiety—hoping I found the “right” job.

Still, though, that moment has stuck with me. It’s as if in that moment I was graced with a glimpse of some greater truth. In realizing that truth, I felt the true power and ability of what it means to be human. And, it would appear, this state of consciousness is available to us at each moment. It’s a power we can call upon whenever we feel trapped.

So next time you’re facing a choice or you feel a bit stuck in your life, imagine you life as the tree—with countless twisting branches. Each moment belies a choice: a portal to a new world, an new branch upon the tree. You can see through these portals—witnessing other worlds. According to the Many Worlds Theory, these realities do exist!

If you do so you'll recognize you ability to to be sovereign, to determine the life that you live. You may feel a sense of power, of freedom, perhaps even of bliss as you glimpse your role as the great decider.

If you do this, especially in times of stress, you may remember your role as Creator—rising above all your demons of fear.

I bring this up because it is such an immensely powerful practice—one I needed to remember myself. I encourage all of you to try it, at least once. If you do, please share below!
You may be surprised to find its powerful effect.


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