
in #life7 years ago

Hey Steemers!

I want to talk about the relationship between sacrifices, goals, and quality of life. Society often juxtaposes the latter two, glorifying a grinding work ethic that leaves little room for enjoyment. I have several thoughts about this. First and foremost, I'd like to address society. STAY OUT of the business of individual choice. Most people do not fit your arbitrary standards- bench yo'self.

However, I will say this. Goals require sacrifices, to varying degrees. Committing yourself to an extreme goal is badass- as long as you have come to terms with the things you will give up in exchange. I'll share an story that is applicable to many humans struggling with body image. I play the comparison game, constantly finding my body lacking in a world of fitness models and ripped physiques. Many of these individuals are elite athletes, and I respect the discipline that goes into what they do. They give up A LOT in order to exist at single digit body fat percentages: travel, spontaneous date nights, glasses of wine with dinner, sleeping in...

They have chosen to do so, and there is nothing inherently wrong with this. What it means is that average humans, who enjoy chips with burritos and go to the gym only once a day, should not compare their bodies to those who live on sacrifice. There is no reason to give up the things you enjoy, unless you have decided that some end result is worth it. It takes a dramatic shift in behavior to go from healthy and fit, to extremely shredded. It's not better for your body or longevity, and can take a dramatic tole on your mental state. So I ask you this- is looking a certain way worth it to you? What will bring you true satisfaction, fulfillment, exuberance?

For my own health, I have chosen to sacrifice certain things. I often workout early in the morning, which means I almost never sleep in. But I am a morning person anyway so this feels easy to me; it feels like the right choice. I have a massive sweet tooth, so sometimes I'll make lighter meals (salads, roasted veg, spaghetti squash instead of true pasta)... so that I feel more comfortable indulging in carby, sweet goodness. I tend to only drink alcohol during major festivities. A caveat: these choices are not hard rules. I go against everything I've said here from time to time, because I choose to invite flexibility into my life. I have a massive spontaneity budget- I can't recommend it enough.

There are certain choices that will sit well in your psyche and bring you more. More joy, more laughter, more comfort with your physical form. They will vary widely between each of us, because there are innumerable ways to do this life thing. Let go of what does not serve you, and create habits that do. Construct fulfillment. It is a beautiful process.


Are some of these pictures taken in Hawaii? The first ones look like the Grand Canyon of the Pacific but I may be wrong.

you would be correct! they're all taken on Kaui. I am of the opinion that Waimea Canyon looks like the baby of the Grand Canyon and the Amazon rainforest, haha

Glad my memory is still active. I visited Hawaii 10 years ago... Such a beautiful place! ^^

Wow so cool, I wish I could go to those places.

I have traveled a lot but not to Hawaii, ha... maybe I should go at least once.

~ @Timbo

It's actually not a sacrifice at all when you weigh the benefits from the liabilities. Thinking it's a sacrifice of any kind, to not eat some garbage, only reinforces in our mind it is something that I am missing out on, when the opposite is true, we are not missing anything. Also, never compare, especially yourself to anyone else, as expectations are a killer. You look BEAUTIFUL! There is no comparison to reality when compared to an airbrushed pic of a malnourished professional model. I became vegan 17 months ago and never feel that I am missing out on anything but future bad health. Also, despite the pic, I've never smoked in my life. ;)

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