Mindful Eating Pt. 1

in #life7 years ago

Hey Steem,
The following piece will be part one of a series, called Mindful Eating. This first installment is centered around eating mindfully for individual benefit. I hope you enjoy *

PB from our Costa Rican Peanut Butter Dealer
Let me begin by telling you how I define this. To me, eating mindfully means consuming food with intention, awareness, and gratitude.
Intention- which of my body AND/OR soul needs am I fulfilling? What activity have I done or will do, and what kind of fuel does it require?
Awareness- How will this food affect my energy levels, recovery, and mood? What is the carbon footprint of this meal? Will this food satiate me and provide enough micronutrients?
Gratitude- Was this food prepared for me by a loved one, or a dedicated chef? Were these ingredients made possible by farmers, gardeners, ect? Was I able to purchase it because of the privileges afforded to me?

shared a pint and flight with my beau whilst looking out at the Bay Bridge- Faction Brewery

I try to ask myself these questions a lot. They are meant to help me acknowledge how my food choices affect my body, soul, community, and planet. We exist in a beautifully complex web in which eating is a necessity. We make endless choices about food, all of which have the power to bring health (of the all encompassing sort)

my roomates are the wizards of the birthday cake world
Let's start with the most intimate factor: eating for ourselves. We want food that nourishes our bodies, but also our souls. Tastes and textures that tease our tastebuds and make us lick the plate. We also want to live the long, healthy, active lives that are sustained by certain macro- and micro- nutrients. Here are a couple principles I have developed for myself when selecting meals and snacks...
~ FIBER! Our guts have nearly as many neurons as our brains, so good gut health correlates with happier humans. Fiber (present in fruits, veggies, whole grains, ect) helps to move food mass through our digestive tract. It also helps to collect any toxins that could leach through the intestinal lining and cause disease.

Homemade bowl of vegetarian noms in the sunshine
~ Macronutrient Profile! Meals that are composed of carbs, fats, and protein are most satiating. They provide our bodies with energy (carbs), the building blocks for muscle growth (protein), and the components of hormones/cell membranes/ect (fats). No macronutrient should be deemed "bad" --> we need ALL of them for healthy survival.

Sharing pizzas in Firenze, Italy
~ Micronutrients! These bastards are tricky. Yes, vitamins exist that technically contain some 4345498574% of your daily recommended value. However, these pills do not provide them in a form that is very bioavailable. This means that we have a limited ability to access their benefits. Whole foods, in a variety of colors, offer our bodies micronutrients that can actually be absorbed. Stick to these :)

homemade Italian= as much parmesan as possible
~ Energy Needs! Listen to your bodies' cues. They will vary from day to day depending on a vast number of factors. If you have engaged in strenuous activity and still feel ravenous after eating- eat more. Your body will welcome the calories; I promise it knows what to do with them. If you are craving a particular food item, ask yourself what it is composed of and why your body might need those things.

I'll eat anything roasted in garlic and olive oil
~ Soul Food! I am a firm believer in never cutting out foods. If you love something, eat it. McFlurry's are fantastic on occasion, and bread tastes better with butter. All of us have certain dishes that are charged with nostalgia and tradition. Feed your soul, just do it with an awareness of how it will affect you holistically. This could mean portion control, creating healthier alternatives, or delegating certain foods as "treats". Choose a method of eating that is enjoyable and sustainable for YOUR life.

Meals of celebration

Food is multitudinous in its roles. It is a blessing, a necessity, an offering between individuals, medicine. It is also a TOOL that can enable us to lead fulfilling, sustainable, and joyous lives. I recommend reading extensively and trying all the things. Learning how this particular input affects our bodies and minds is a wonderful process.

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