Body Shaming, A Rant

in #life8 years ago

Hey Steemers!

How many of you watched the Superbowl? Of those, how many saw Lady Gaga's over the top, incredible, theatrical performance? Let's acknowledge her talent. Her voice was NOT auto- tuned; she was lowered in on string- like cables. She danced her goddamn ass off while belting notes that would make most of us shatter glass if we attempted them. Her songs contain progressive, powerful messages.

Despite all of this, people focused on how her stomach looked in a crop top. The list that follows are people's ACTUAL comments from Twitter.
~ "Tried to enjoy @ladygaga's performance, was distracted by the flab on her stomach swinging around"
~"Was waiting for a surprise guest but just got Lad Gaga's gut"
~ "Lady Gaga needs to do some crunches if she wants to show her flabby belly"

First of all, that woman is a tall drink of water. She's fit and fierce and fabulous- all of which has NOTHING to do with body fat %. The essential BF% for females is 11-13%. "Essential" meaning that at a bare minimum, this much fat is required to sustain vital functions. It is HEALTHY to sit above this. It also means that when we bend or twist or squeeze, our skin will move. Healthy, gorgeous women (and men) have rolls, cellulite, and scars. In no way do they lessen our worth. In fact, I'd argue they make us more beautiful. They speak of authenticity, of adventures taken and meals shared.

Jabs like the ones taken at Lady Gaga are part of the reason girls (and guys) develop eating disorders. Those criticisms become our internal monologue, the voice we hear when deciding whether to feed ourselves or simply photosynthesize. When body shaming is allowed to run amok, it changes our relationships with ourselves. To shame someone's body is to shame the very skin they inhabit, their most intimate home.

Arbitrary standards are a means for diminishing and marginalizing individuals. They are used to define boundaries between "in groups" and "out groups" and to justify cruelty towards the latter. Allow me to assert that there is no justification for cruelty. Beauty, like all qualities, comes in a multitude of forms. Health looks different on each of us. So let's take a second to remove the filters and judgements from our eyes. Let's look at the humans around us with appreciation and without expectation.

Sending love and light your way, beautiful souls.


As long as we are happy with our own body's we should be fine right ;) Some people make a living from complaining about others from behind a screen. Can't really take these people serious. Enjoyed you post!

Ah, I SO agree. It is shameful for someone to use the anonymity of the internet as a way to avoid repercussions for their comments. There is a HUMAN on the other side of the screen reading those. I agree though- not worth taking them seriously. Thank you for the read!

This kind of crap will never stop. I would like to see photos of these people that went after Lady Gaga. Social Media makes it too easy to hide behind a name tag and criticize other people. Ridiculous....

I cannot STAND that aspect of it either. It is a particular kind of insidiousness to shame someone without taking true responsibility for your words.

Body shaming tweets and comments make me sad for the authors of the comments...not the person being body shamed. It's too bad they can't appreciate the MANY beautiful forms the human body comes in.

absolutely. beauty is something that is experienced differently by each of us- and that is something to be celebrated

Great post ! I love Gaga ! And how dare they ! Jealousy is all it is of her fame ! And this is yet another reason why i stay away from these sites ! 😉👍

great call- I understand why some people use them but I have yet to find anything that resonates with me. I agree btw, Gaga is grrrreat!

Some people can't keep their derogatory opinions to themselves. Of course they like to say that they are exercising their right to free speech and the world shouldn't be so PC. I say they are exercising their right to be a jacka**.

I didn't see the show but the comments are just hateful.

I broke up with a guy once that said some pretty snide comments about women he thought were overweight. Honestly, I had to wonder what he said about me to others since I wasn't exactly skinny.

Twenty years later I'm definitely not skinny and after losing 30 lbs I have problems keeping my blood pressure up although I'm at the high end of my "normal" weight. As you said, healthy is different for everyone.

exactly, and I so believe that health and happiness are the qualities to strive for. Luckily, they are also interdependent.

yeah i'd tap it. :)

Some people want to spread their own shame and negativity to others. It's sad but true. I didn't see the game or the show but I love this post. 👍🏽

I so appreciate the read :) Thank you for contributing your thoughts!

I was disappointed in the tweets and posts as here she is - looking like a real person - not some anorexic Barbie.

Does it diminish her talent?

Actually - getting thin takes the ability to really belt it out away. It's the Jennifer Hudson theory.

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