in #life6 years ago

Refine & Manifest - Edit, Polish, Sophisticate & Test your creative ideas and expressions - this is the seventh dimension of the creative process model. The sixth dimension was contemplation or evaluating your creativity. Contemplation is actually quite beneficial in several of the dimensions before and after the actual creative flow or expression.

By contemplating you can experience ways to improve your work or ideas. You may come up with new ideas to refine the initial creativity. There may be more work involved now if the expression was more than spontaneous creative play. Sometimes creative play in the moment is all that is needed and adds greatly to a more fulfilling life. Sometimes there is more work to do if the creativity has a purpose in business, as a product, is a step in a larger body of work, etc.
So what are the next steps in refining and manifesting? Once again we can consider certain ways of evaluation: quality, quantity, content, style, tone, form, theme, etc. There are many methods of evaluating both work and play.

Let quality and the best you are capable of during this time dictate the refining process. Creativity often has rough edges. Editing, refining, correcting or testing can bring quality to the work. Now is the time for focused action and discrimination to reach a quality manifestation. Go back to the drawing board, studio, computer, brush, laboratory, musical instrument – work out the bugs and test your work with your highest standards and get feedback.
Feedback can improve your work and help complete the manifestation. Feedback brings other minds into your efforts and ideally provides positive collaboration.
We all want to manifest the best.
Sometimes we also need to be aware that perfectionism can block completion of our work. So just be aware of the blocks to both creativity and manifesting your work. Sometimes failure is a great lesson and you learn from putting your work out there. Stay loose, feel free and flow with life and your creative endeavors.
Writing by Daniel Hime copyright 2018


Good advice, tough to do sometimes.

Yes and reminds me of a favorite quote. Have to look up the speaker but his response to a comment to people telling him that life was hard was "compared to what?"

I don’t like blocks.

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