Broke Graduate | Discovering Digital Currencies

in #life6 years ago (edited)


When I left high school like many others I thought strongly and anxiously how to answer that million dollar question. What do you want to do for the rest of your life?

Now about a decade later along countless millennials I still find myself faced with the same series of questions. Despite having a nice diploma from a good university the truth becomes more evident as the years go by that making money and making a meaningful contribution are not one in the same. Sometime I get flash memories of staring into the eyes of my fellow students peers that fateful graduation day and recalling nothing but blank stares. Perhaps even a few panic attacks about the corporate hunger games that laid before us all.

Like most hopeful recent grads I scurried to snatch up the first survival job I could land to have something I could stamp "success" on . As you can guess the first few were about as uneventful and dead end as it could possibly get. Suddenly out of the blue, as if awakening from dream, I quit those jobs and just remember thinking that "enough is enough". I can never seem to recall if it was the smell of 2 day old floor cleaning solution or the local verbally abusive prostitutes ambushing my restaurant on the daily that brought about this enlightenment. That said, I think by now you can see where I'm coming from and where my head was at when I accepted a role to work for a major university in higher education.

It was if I was a Jedi P.O.W newly released and looking to take up membership with the Sith for survival. I could imagine no greater irony the universe could have dished out, seriously. No matter how conflicted I was it only took seeing that first check and paying my rent on time to put all my fears and woes about becoming a corporate drone into a box. A box I would not open again for several more years as the world slowly turned more conscious. In the meantime I proceeded to commit to making this new life all it could be with no regard for the long-term repercussions of my exuberant and occasionally materialistic ways. "If I knew what I know now" is a popular thing we like to say..right? But let me begin by simply saying, I'm genuinely impressed how quickly my finances got out of hand.


Now I'm by no means claiming anyone should in-debt themselves further and start spending the remains of their life saving on speculative digital assets. However what I am preaching is the potential to be financially solvent again by doing careful research and looking beyond the fear and short-term survival mentality we've all been plagued and programmed with. As it stands today I hold around 57k in debt between credits cards, personal loans, school loans. My car is an 8 year old Kia and I do all that I can to live within my means and in some instances as a result of the amount of debt that plagues me.

What you need to know is that this is not a tale of tragedy but in fact one of opportunity because for several years following my graduation I was in search for a viable vehicle to help pivot my financial future. I tried stocks, 401k, Index funds and though I still highly recommend remaining diversified across a multitude of different investments those simply were not going to do. If I wanted real potential financial prosperity in a respectable fashion that wouldn't come like a life raft long after I've already drowned. Thus enters bitcoin and cryptocurrencies into my life and before you know it I was off to the race learning as much I could as often as I could.

Personally I don't recommend anyone going all in on anything be it start-up or blue chip but this is crypto and "FOMO" isn't just a way of life it spreads like ebola. Be cautious always and always be certain your intentions are practical and honest. If you are in this to make a 100x return in a week you're better off cashing out your fiat and heading to Vegas. However if you are like me and see this as part of a long term play, are willing to live within your means and stay up to date with the markets. I can say with confidence the future looks pretty bright for you!


@danielerazo, I gave you an upvote on your post! Please give me a follow and I will give you a follow in return and possible future votes!

Thank you in advance!

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