How to Achieve Flight

in #life7 years ago (edited)

birds in flightedit.jpg

How to awaken your inner in order to achieve great heights.


This is part one of my 10 part series on how to Achieve Flight. It is an analog of what I believe the necessary steps are to follow your own unique path and achieve your goals.
This work in it entirety was created directly after reading Jordan Peterson's 12 rules for life and Steven Kotlers The Rise of Superman.
It is also influenced heavily by the Tao Te Ching, lessons from the ICHING, Sun Tzu's The Art of War, Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist, The Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi, Dale Carnegies How to Win Friends and Influence People, and helpful information I have gleaned from the Joe Rogan podcast(who sent me on the journey to read many of these works) and his copious amounts of influential guests.
I have found meaning in these works and they have reverberated throughout my life.
They have helped me get out of the house and into the world. These are some of the lessons I have drawn out from these works.
Thank you for tuning in!

How to Fly

You may find it strange for one who has never flown to teach about how to fly. But if we can awaken the power of flight within ourselves surely we can awaken it within others. This is how to awaken our inner to allow us to achieve great heights and to find a place in this life that we belong or to create a place ourselves

Lesson one: Do not allow others to pluck your feathers.

Should you allow another to pluck your feathers you will never achieve flight. Every time somebody demoralizes you and you do nothing about it a feather is plucked. We can grow new feathers, but we can never get our feathers back from who took them unless they are willingly returned. What I mean by this is that it is fruitless to take revenge once a feather has been plucked. We must keep our feathers from being plucked in the first place. In order to do this we must meet our challenges with resolve, in both our working and social lives. We must face our insecurities head on and when somebody demoralizes us we must not react with violent vigor, but with contemplative knowledge on the situation in toe. We must not resort to acts of violence unless violence is imminent to be inflicted unto ourselves by another, the threat must be real. To establish dominance we can do what animals do and puff out our chests, lift our heads, and stand straight. Only then can you defend yourself from being plucked with non verbal and non physical threats of violence. You must be alert, or at least appear alert.

Defending yourself with what is right and with righteous intent is the path you must travel if you want to fly. You cannot simply hunch over with your head down and take all the garbage thrown at you by others. Before you know it you will have no feathers left and you will be weighed down with plastic rings. Sometimes we must pluck a feather or two to save our own. This is essential; for those who attempt to pluck your feathers frequently must have consequence in turn. Consequence at that moment in accordance with the guidelines of your society. Premeditated revenge through humiliation or worse will see you targeted by others even more and you will see more feathers plucked.

Never seek to pluck feathers, only to defend your own. But make sure others know that you can pluck feathers. Defending Feathers and remaining clean is essential to flight. Do not allow others to pluck your feathers.

Written by: DanBioHackingMan

Part two is currently in the editing phase and will be released soon!

Thanks again for tuning in! I will read all comments. Steem on!


Original Image (Top) from wikipedia:

Original Image (Bottom) from my camera: I am the source


I appreciate your words. It is important to remember that we are the controller of our perception, and if you allow others to cloud your perception you are not letting your full true intentions and self be realized.

I couldn't agree more. My next part is titled "Clear your mind, keep your intentions focused on good", and touches on how by realizing the underlying issues for negative situations that arise we can avoid and transmute situations for the positive and even help others in the process. Thanks for the comment!

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