in #life6 years ago


A person with no Brand is a person with no Life because in reality, in the human world what live on, is your brand and not your life. This is why till the next world some icons, figures, status, words etc cannot be forgotten or better stated, still live despite the fact that the "actual person" has gone.

A person without a brand is a person without a purpose because your brand defines your purpose or the other way round.

The good news is that irrespective of your level of 'nonentity' today, you can still build yourself into a brand. Even if you are at the lowest esteem of life, you can still build yourself into an icon of reckoning that can outlive you.

There is no great brand today that was once not at the lowest esteem of life. Or will it better said that most great brands we have today were once at the lowest esteem of life. If they could build themselves a standing brand today you too can build yourself.


As a teacher I always sequence my definitions so they fit in all categories. Thus, a brand is what you stand for or what stands for you. A brand is you symbolically.

According to the Oxford Dictionary, a brand is a particular kind or type of something.

But Peter Montoya stated, "Your brand is the powerful, clear, positive idea that comes to mind whenever other people think of you or talk about you. It is the values, abilities and actions that others associate with you. It is a professional alter ego designed for the purpose of influencing how others perceive you, and turning that perception into an opportunity."

I'd like to share a brief history of the great Alfred Noble who built himself into a remarkable and unforgettable brand-Peace and (positive) Excellence.

Alfred Nobel was a Swedish chemist and engineer who had over 300 inventions, most of which were dynamite, a highly destructive weapon. This invention later created a perception in the minds of people. Seeing Alfred was like seeing a dynamite as it were.

Many years later, rather than being bloody, Alfred Noble built himself into a positive brand by founding the Nobel Prizes Award to recognize dedicated professionals who added positive values and improved the world's communities through science, humanity (Peace) and literature.

Today, Alfred Noble, though gone, his brand of Peace and Excellence still lives on. Today most people do not even know Mr Noble as the inventor of dynamite but as an ambassador of Peace and excellence in positivity.

You too can turn your life around for good.
Know the elements that make up your personal brand and consciously build them up. Perhaps you can be the Afred Noble of tomorrow. That will be amazing, isn't it ?


  1. Your Personal Appearance: image

This has to do with your outlook, your outward man. You've got to build your physical appearance - clothing, hygiene, attractiveness etc. You've got to look good, not by basically wearing expensive dresses but giving less expensive dresses and expensive look.

  1. Your Personality: image

You've got to build a good, positive and consistent personality. This deals with your inner-man- your values, goals, identity and behavioural characters.

  1. Your Competencies: image

You've got to build your skills to be at best at what you do. Regular and consistent practice with little time is all you need. This is seen in your cognitive, business, communication and technical skills that enable you to perform your responsibilities.

  1. Your Differentiator: image

You've got to build your uniqueness that stands you out and differentiate you from the crowd.

Recognizing and paying attention to these elements set you on the path of being the difference maker and of being brandy rather than bloody.

Watch out for the continuation...

Image sources:
Image 1- https://www.google.com.ng/search?client=ms-android-tecno&biw=360&bih=294&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=RsNoW6LgF6jJgAbCmZuIDw&q=man+with+gun+confused+image&oq=man+with+gun+confused+image&gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz-img.3...223561.243653..245384...1.0..0.1458.13546.2-7j19j3j0j2j2......0....1.......5..0j35i39j0i67j0i8i30j0i24j30i10.UM0hBaLTbJg

Image 2: 0j35i39j0i67j0i24j0i30j30i10.NwtTDUimwBU

Image 3: https://www.google.com.ng/search?q=big+question+mark+in+man+heart&client=ms-android-tecno&prmd=ivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiJoqi3wtrcAhXjLsAKHV_FDSUQ_AUIESgB&biw=360&bih=560&dpr=2#imgrc=NkedP0_OUrK3BM:

Image 4: https://www.google.com.ng/search?client=ms-android-tecno&biw=360&bih=350&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=bVJpW7DfEN-Ai-gPzdavqAo&q=Messi+and+Ronaldo+skill+image+together&oq=Messi+and+Ronaldo+skill+image+together&gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz-img.3..33i10.62554.148688..149879...18.0..4.2056.53787.3-25j3j1j12j19j4j1......0....1.......5..0j35i39j0i67j0i30j0i5i30j0i24j0i13j30i10.JhsW2a3iaOg

Image 5: https://www.google.com.ng/search?client=ms-android-tecno&biw=360&bih=350&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=lVVpW-CgIYeUkwW41K-QBw&q=one+marked+out+from+a+crowd&oq=one+marked+out+from+a+crowd&gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz-img.3...20130.23517..24967...0.0..0.1147.5540.3-6j0j1j2j1......0....1.nUaQCPn-TdA#imgrc=_


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