365 Days That Count - Day 26 - That’s a wrap.

in #life8 years ago (edited)

We shot at another jaw dropping location today.

Everyone was a little bleary eyed having gone to bed late after our mini wrap party and then waking up early to get to the house in Hermanus. We spent the first half an hour finding our way around the
sprawling pad. Room after room after room and all of this for a couple and their only child!

The deck was my favourite part, multiple layers and entertainment areas all leading on to the pool which was more like 4 pools put together like a puzzle complete with a jacuzzi and sauna over looking a huge lagoon.

From a set up perspective it was a dream, we had our own wing with a working kitchen and ample space to set styling, makeup and catering in the same area making it far easier for everyone to communicate.

During this shoot I’ve been trying to hand write my posts in breaks and had hoped to transfer them all to my laptop so as to get up to date on Steemit. There was a lovely sunken lounge area that I turned into my writing nook and managed to finish everything up to yesterday.

I’ve also been meaning to reply to a bunch of people I haven't got back to including a few tough
conversations that require some thought. I ticked off a few of the simpler ones but I’m too tired to do the others properly so they’ll have to wait till Sunday when I’m off.

The day went well, we had almost all of the models on set and the group shots turned out wonderfully. The client was smiling from ear to ear and Piet was obviously pleased as well. We finally wrapped a
little earlier than expected and managed to get back to Cape Town by 8pm so Zita, Kerri, John and I
decided to off load and go for a drink or two.

What was meant to be a drink or 2 ended up being 3 or 4 and we chatted about life, love and everything in-between. It’s been really nice to work in this team, we’ve laughed and laughed and laughed which has made even the toughest moments more than manageable.

I hope we all work together again soon but for now I am deliriously tired, it’s after midnight and I have to be up early for post production.

Night night,


Daisy xx

( @daisyd )


Wow great location am jealous

nice place to life with a woman ;)

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