365 Days That Count - Day 225 - Zach turns 2! ✨ 💝 🐝 💝 ✨ The coolest kid in all the land! ♥︎

in #life7 years ago

If you've read this blog for a while you'll know how much I adore my Godson, Zach. His parents are two of my closest friends and Zach is the best bits of them both!

I have never known a kid with a better sense of humour, I mean he's 2 for goodness sake but he has me in stitches every time I see him. He can make your heart melt or put you in your place with one simple look and has no fear of saying "k bye now" when he's tired or dragging you by the hand around the house and garden with a firm "come" when he's not. Tjarls and I always used to joke that we made such a noise when he was in her tummy he came out totally content to be around our racket.

Ever since he popped into this world a month early he has been the coolest, most chilled little soul I've ever had the privilege of knowing!

zach blowing out candles at norton.JPG

His excitement, curiosity and joy are more contagious than chicken pox and life takes on a new meaning and a new beauty when he's around to share it with! To watch him discover life with such love and enthusiasm gives everything a new depth altogether.

I was abroad for his first birthday so it was extra special to be there for his second one, especially now he's old enough to know it was his day! Tjarls had put together an epic garden party for him, his cousin and the other kids and within a few minutes they were running ragged, high on sugar and squealing with delight! There was a jumpy castle which went down as well with the grown ups as it did with the kids, a giant duck ball pool and a blow up castle producing popcorn and waffles, all set in the beautiful garden of his paternal grandparent's house on a warm and sunny winters day. It was pretty perfect if you ask me!

His aunty baked him an aeroplane cake that was so delicious we were all cursing her when the kids had gone back to playing and we were still unable to walk away! The downside to kids parties is definitely the amount of sweets and chips and nonsense just staring at you begging you to eat it! 🙈

hip hip horray set up.JPG

Sadly there was a downer to the day. My site got broken into the night before. Luckily we have insurance and luckily Tjarla's stepdad was there to go with me to check the damage and re secure it as best we could before the builders fixed it properly. It's not the end of the world and I'm pretty good at letting things go when they're out of my control, no point crying over spilt milk, but a break in is still very shit. It feels violating, like someone's been creeping around your bedroom in the night. But I wasn't going to let it ruin my day so doors jammed, windows closed and gate padlocked we went back and enjoyed the rest of the day till it was very clear one of the kids was about to lose it and we decided it was time to go.

My friend is a phenomenal mother, there's no guide book to parenting, let alone being the first in your group and although I'm not surprised, I am so proud of the way she effortlessly and gracefully handles being a mother to the world's best kid. It really is a privilege to be a part of it.


Daisy xx

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