365 Days That Count - Day 207 - One of those days.. sometimes the best thing to do is to stop fighting & just indulge it! It's okay not to be okay! ☔️

in #life7 years ago

I had one of those days yesterday. I put my back out - AGAIN - lifting dad's walker which weighs approximately nothing and woke up incredibly grumpy and unable to move my neck to the left hand side.

It happened on Tuesday night and I was really hoping it would rectify itself as I slept but no such luck. I called my physio who could only see me at 4pm and tried my best to shake the raincloud that had formed over my head. Recently I've spent a lot of my time navigating the hurdles that seem to be constantly in my way. The last month has been especially frustrating. From the world's worst flu to putting my back out twice in 2 weeks having never done it before. I miss boxing, I miss feeling strong and I miss the rhythm I feel when I'm in balance.

So yesterday morning, in pain and out of action, I was quite simply in a very bad mood.

bad day.JPG

Usually I do my best not to indulge such moods. I meditate, I exercise, I think of all the many reasons I have to be grateful but every now and again (usually around full moon) I give in and allow myself to have an off day.

It's a part of the new self acceptance and love I am trying to maintain. We can't be okay all the time, we can't be happy all the time and pretending to be not only undermines the concept of true well being and happiness but builds up inside us as resentment and frustration that ultimately do far more harm than letting go and allowing yourself to be not okay for a moment.

That doesn't mean being unkind, there's never an excuse for that, but it does mean letting yourself off the hook for once.

i cant adult today.JPG

So how did I let myself off the hook? Firstly... bread!! 🍞

I don't eat much bread, it clogs my digestive system and isn't on the list of summer body ingredients :) but sometimes you have to give in and feed your body what it wants, which yesterday, was bread! So I took the leftover baguette from my soup date the night before and finally enjoyed it with first soup and then honey! There really is no comfort food as good as bread!! Once I could literally eat no more I flopped on the sofa, read articles on line and spent a good hour and a half trolling through Pinterest for house ideas.

Next up, a spin in my fancy rental car! Ever heard the expression, "don't be gentle it's a rental"? Well I wasn't!!


Thankfully they gave me an automatic so I could put foot without having to change gears which my neck would not have allowed!

I eventually got to my physio who stuck needles into my C2/3 joints - NOT PLEASANT - and did her best to release the spasm that had set in. I left feeling totally battered and ready for bed. But first, more food! :) The rest of the day was spent with a hot beanie bag around my shoulders, half watching Pretty Little Liars, eating Romany Creams and enjoying the effects of my cannabis oil!

By the time I went to bed I was too full and even more sore after the needling but the rain cloud had lifted and I knew I'd done myself a favour by not fighting it and instead letting it pass as all weather eventually does.

It's okay not to be okay every now and again. Be human, be imperfect, be emotional, be honest with yourself; it's just a bad day not a bad life!


Daisy xx

🌸 If you enjoyed this post please vote, comment & resteem - it is much appreciated, as always. For more, follow me @daisyd 🌸

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