365 Days That Count - Day 172 - When you bypass tired and hit emotional...just before a Super Moon! 🌚

in #life7 years ago (edited)

The last week has been intense and now I'm sitting here, writing this, feeling a bit like a zombie.

I got the keys to the house, we started building, I went back to boxing and my partner's been here from Joburg!

The boxing is obviously why I feel so physically drained but it's also depleted the energy reserves I usually use when dealing with mentally draining situations, leaving me less capable of not missing a beat than I like to be.

me tired.jpg

Getting the house has been hectic. It's a huge step for me personally and it's more than just a professional step. After everything I've been through I'm being forced to face my issues with communication, trust and self worth.

In a nutshell, if this is going to be successful I have to make myself heard and that's something I struggle with on many levels.

Since getting sick and leaving the corporate world the one thing that I have made sure to do is avoid stress. Obviously that's not always possible but I know first hand the risks of sustained stress and my capacity to deal with it has been seriously diminished so I avoid it where possible.


We've never worked together before and our dynamic is still developing which means I have to practise more trust than I am accustomed to doing when so much is on the line. Again, personally and professionally. And that's stressful! But my gut is what led me to working with her in the first place and I have to believe that it will guide me to doing so in the best possible way. The only other thing I can do is be honest and make myself heard.

Big picture - so far, it's going great. We started building a week ago tomorrow and we've finished the internal demo and almost completed the new brickwork internally too. Not bad going!

I need a good night's sleep! But first...

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Butternut soup!!! 💛

I've just learnt there's a super new moon in Cancer in two days which is also why I'm feeling drained.


All water signs are effected by the moon but none more so than Cancerians!! Just another reason to put on my shell and go to bed!


Daisy xx

♡♡♡ @daisyd ♡♡♡


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Daisy, were all knackered today in this post-hard fork glow :) Peaceful slumbers my Southern friend. <3

OMG you are beautiful ^ ^

Thank you @yusaymon ☺️

Hey @daisyd, I'm intrigued... what illness led you to leaving the corporate world? It seems we have the same challenges you and I, as I also battle with being assertive and am inclined to shy away from confrontation, mostly to my detriment. I constantly challenge myself to stand up and be heard but its a daily struggle in this world of extroverts. My industry is super stressful too, I edit TV commercials - not for the faint hearted - but my anxiety is a constant companion. Your post really resonated with me. Chin up, it doesn't matter as much as we think it does. Nothing real is ever at risk, and nothing unreal exists. Upvoted & following x

Hey @hattorihanzo - thank you for reading, I'm glad it resonated with you and you're totally right, it never matters as much as we think it does!!

Health wise, it's a long story....

I'll be using your words as a mantra today - nothing real is ever at risk, and nothing unreal exists - thank you and have a lovely day!

Hey @daisyd, I just read what you went through... Shoo! I don't know what part of the world you live in but if you have access to cannabis oil, I would recommend it as a preventative/ curative measure. My mom had Hodgkins Lymphoma, also a really long terrifying story, but in a nutshell it saved her life and she is cancer free today. She still takes it as maintenance. I'll link to her story... https://steemit.com/health/@hattorihanzo/cannabis-oil-cured-my-mom-s-cancer-this-is-her-story

As for the mantra, I'm glad you like it - I know its a great comfort for me! And as much as id like to take credit for it, its from "A Course in Miracles".

Love & Light x

Thank you @hattorihanzo - I'm in Cape Town and agree with you regarding cannabis oil, my dad and I are both on it. I'm glad to hear your mum is well, will check out your article now. Hope Monday has been kind to you thus far!

Hey @daisyd, thats where I'm from! I stayed in Sea Point opposite Bella Italia. I've been traveling though since last year May, currently in Israel. Its great that you and your dad are on the oil! Its been good thanks, managed to drag my ass to the gym this morning for a run - so good for anxiety.

The world is small, great to see more South Africans on this amazing platform. Travelling since last year sounds incredible! Enjoy every minute!

loud and clear. good night.

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