The Pain of Poverty

in #life8 years ago

I haven't been able to write the past few days, because I've been sick... poor sick.

I thought I had been freed from depression and I'm nowhere where I've been in the past, but not being able to get work has been incredibly depressing.

That's why they called it the Great "Depression".

I had some alcohol and have just been in a drunken stupor for days. I feel like such s@#t, and no matter how much I drank did the pain lift - in fact it's only made it worst.

I haven't eaten in days, and my ferret has just ran out of her food.

I just checked my bank account and it's in the negative - boy have I messed up.

Asking for help is so hard - I'm fortunate enough to have a roof over my head, but even asking for $10.00 is dreadful, because I've always worked for everything I have and they know I'm pretty hard on myself for not being able to find work. I've always had work and this is the first time in my life I've ever been in this situation.

I've had a bizarre life. One where I worked so hard, but always just missing the opportunity by the skin of my teeth.

I started my first business when I was about 8 years old. I grabbed my toys and set up shop right in front of the gas station we lived next too. That didn't last too long and had to move the shop in front of my house, but even then I was shut down when my mother found out I was selling my toys. Still made enough to buy some bubble gum. :)

When I was a teenager about 14 years old I started a zine called Mud Puddle. It also acted as a record distribution where I was able to get record labels to send me their stuff on consignment and I was sell the records at shows or through mail order. I never made anything because I had this issue that would continue through out my life of actually charging to where I made a profit.

I started screen printing and would print my friends bands, but I never charged much.

Years later I started a band and I released our own vinyl. We played shows, I printed our t-shirts. I eventually took that record label and began releasing other people's music. Still, for some reason that never did well. I was even given a loan on that it didn't work out.

Years later I started a clothing business where I designed and printed my own t-shirts. I eventually stopped doing that since I put myself into college to try and get a real job.

I got married surprisingly, but was stranded in Mexico a few weeks thanks to Hurricane Wilma coming through.

I got my degree very well - probably the only truly successful/completed task I've ever done.

As soon as I got my degree I got a job right away. I was there for about 7 years. I ended up quitting, because my wife was divorcing me throwing me into major depression, but I lucked out and got freelance work. I should have not quit my serious job - that was a huge mistake.

After I quit I ended up getting a freelance client that I stuck with for 3 years. I had so much work by them that I didn't need to find other clients, so I didn't bother putting my stuff out there. That relationship ended in May and I've been out of work since.

Around the time we split I bought a 4 color screen printing rig. Bought all these shirts and tried to sell them. Didn't sell one. So this thing is just sitting collecting dust.

Right after I lost my freelance work I took a chance and put it into bitcoin cloud mining, and yes they stole my money.

Steemit has actually been the only way I have income. Even a few dollars is wonderful, but it's obviously not enough - I need work. I also have relaunch and old endeavor that I hope kicks in, but I never made any income off of it.

When I take my resume to someone they see mostly someone who's been working for himself, and for some reason this scares people to death. I couldn't even get a job at burger king!

I'm the kind of person who is very reliable when it comes to work - I'm the guy who's always on time - and delivers just as asked. So, part of my pain in poverty is knowing this and not knowing why I can't find work.

Being poor is very painful

I'm not a person who is aiming to be rich (perhaps I should) - I've always been modest. I've never been homeless, but I've come very close at times. I've never panhandled or been that far, because I've always had my family's help. Compared to how I feel right now, I can't even begin to think about what it would be like to be homeless.

And to think of that - I see how cities in the US treat these people. There's got to be another way...

Society is so screwed up. I'm not saying that people should have everything handed to them. In fact I think the opposite, but there's this thing where when you reach a certain age you become unhireable. I think that age is 30. Once 30 it becomes harder and harder to get work. I turn 40 next month - so it's death for me.

If any out there can learn from these words - take life serious. If I could go back and knocked some sense into me I would. I'd tell myself to focus on school. Focus on getting that career started soon, and stick with it. I tried to do it on my own for my whole life and failed.

Thanks for reading, and sorry for such a downer. I had to get it out. I just really want to work, bad.


Thanks for any upvotes/steem/reblogs/steem dollars/comments/follows!


That really sucks @dailybitcoinnews
I've been trying for 2+ years to get a job and I've been told a few times that I was over-qualified. WTF?!? I wasn't looking to be the next CEO, I just wanted a min. 10 hours a week to cover some expenses! We live very frugally because beyond freelance work (writing, transcribing, and front-end web design which seems to be in famine right now) - I've about given up on finding work outside the house. Lay off the drink. Go for a walk. Get in touch with nature. Here's a post I wrote 3 months ago You might find it resonates with you.

Thanks @merej99 for your advice and comment. I'm picking myself up and not giving up. I just had a down slump, and am loving nature - which is indeed my sanctuary. It's incredible how freelancing has become so difficult - and yeah that's all my resume screams is "too over qualified". I'm going to read your post - thanks again. :)

Thank you for posting @dailybitcoinsnews.

If one may be permitted to contribute to the resulting dialogue. It is times like these that come to everyone at sometime in his life at which point he must he going to go with God's plan for man or continue in his own plan that is actually a default to Satan's plan.

The issue is 'What is your attitude toward Jesus Christ?' Yes.....or Gods salvation plan for mankind. Satan wrested the rulership of the world from the first man Adam. So...God in His gracious mercy provided a plan to deliver mankind from the new ruler of the world.

....For you see, God loved the world so much that He gave His uniquely born Son that anyone who believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life. that takes care of eternity....What about now...what about today?

When we become His sons (which we do at the point of belief in Christ), He provides for His own through logistical Grace. He will not allow his sons to go hungry or be without shelter. We knock....He opens the doors...we accept His grace provision. ...Casting all your cares upon Him for He careth for you.

If He would send His Son to die as a substitue for us...would He not do the lesser..provide logistics for us. The princple...Mans extremity is Gods opportunity.
Faith alone in Christ alone.

Religion is man through mans work seeking the approbation of God.
Christianity is a relationship with God through His Son, Jesus Christ.
A big difference.

A website that may be has streaming videos of the truths mentioned above.

God knows all...He knows your troubles...He has provision for those troubles....will you accept His Grace proviision for now and eternity.
We only need the faith the size of a mustard believe.

Wishing you Gods best for your life.

Was the cloud ming GAW Miners?

No, it was Bitminister who turned into and are still operating.

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