Super moon in the Malacca Strait Sea Aceh

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Maybe at night between 13th and 14th November and maybe you among us who did not witness the historic sights supermoon largest and closest to the earth since last seen in 1948.
The ahlih argue?
Supermoon popular term is defined as a full moon coincides with a round orbit closest to Earth, or perigee.

Because the moon's orbit around the earth egg-shaped, there are times of the cycle when the moon is near or far from us. And because of the size of the moon's orbit varies slightly from time to time, every month perigee is not always at the same distance from the earth.
This month, the official moon reaches perigee at 06: 21 ET (11: 23 UT) on November 14, with a distance of 221 524 miles away from our planet, and is measured from the center of the Earth and the moon.

Achieve full moon phase in only two and a half hours later, at 8:52 pm (13: 52 UT) on 14 November. Previous Earth has never been this close to a full moon since January 26, 1948 which is just 30 miles closer than supermoon this month.

Enjoy performances at the sky when it happens, because the full moon will not be this close to 25 November 2034. The presence of the full moon closest to the earth in this century will occur on December 6, 2052, when the moon is only 221,472 miles from Earth.

There is a term for traditional fishermen in Aceh in the light of the next month or the full moon,
Moonlit, lazy fish, clear sea water, limp fish.
On that night I was quite happy to watch supermoon so graceful and charming, coastal waterway, the Gulf "Celestial" Maritime Silk Route, nickname Lhokseumawe city name first. This beach, has a curved bay and beach sexy, suddenly there was a group of teenagers came to me where I stand and one of them began asking questions like this.
Sorry sir, what if the bright moon, moon full night fishermen not to fish.
I answered, because the lights are installed Boot defeated by the bright moonlight.

 >Dates Aceh , super moon effect for marine,tide effects for fishing, on State Aceh . 

 #Supermoon effect for northwest

Sea water can have ups and downs. If the surface of the sea water rising tide of events known. Tides are divided into spring tide and neap tide. What a difference a spring tide and neap tide?

Differences tide and neap tides are as follows:

Spring tide occurs due to the gravitational influence of the moon and occur at night when the new moon (full moon). Put this will be a maximum when the solar eclipse because the sea water is affected by gravity moon and sun in the same direction (unidirectional).
Neap tide occurs due to the gravitational influence of the moon and sun smallest. At neap tide, the sea level dropped as low. This tide occurs when the moon quarters first and third quarters. Neap tides influenced by the gravity of the moon and sun are perpendicular.
The tide is rising or falling position or the ocean surface waters are caused by the gravitational influence of the moon and sun. There are three sources of interacting styles: sea, sun, and moon. Tide lead to changes in water depth and the resulting vortex currents known as tidal currents, so that the estimated incidence of post is needed in coastal navigation. Sunset beach area during high tide and exposed during low tides, called a tidal zone, known as a typical marine ecological area.
According to my observations of time to watch Supermoon near the beach, looking east at the direction of his appearing Supermoon.
On that night I was in the Gulf Coast of the heavenly (appellation beach lhokeumawe century heyday of Aceh and there is a mention of this beach with a heavenly bay maritime silk road.

#Type of sea water and receding tides

Differences tide and neap tides are as follows:

Spring tide occurs due to the gravitational influence of the moon and occur at night when the new moon (full moon). Put this will be a maximum when the solar eclipse because the sea water is affected by gravity moon and sun in the same direction (unidirectional).
Neap tide occurs due to the gravitational influence of the moon and sun smallest. At neap tide, the sea level dropped as low. This tide occurs when the moon quarters first and third quarters. Neap tides influenced by the gravity of the moon and sun are perpendicular.
The tide is rising or falling position or the ocean surface waters are caused by the gravitational influence of the moon and sun. There are three sources of interacting styles: sea, sun, and moon. Tide lead to changes in water depth and the resulting vortex currents known as tidal currents, so that the estimated incidence of post is needed in coastal navigation. Sunset beach area during high tide and exposed during low tides, called a tidal zone, known as a typical marine ecological area.
According to my observations of time to watch Supermoon near the beach, looking east at the direction of his appearing Supermoon.
On that night I was in the Gulf Coast of the heavenly (appellation beach lhokeumawe century heyday of Aceh and there is a mention of this beach with a heavenly bay maritime silk road.

  1. Tidal double daily (semi-diurnal tide)

In one day occur twice tide and low tide twice with the nearly equal high and low tides occur in sequence on a regular basis. Tidal period is 24 hours and 50 minutes. On what kind of example are double daily in the waters of the Strait of Malacca to the Andaman Sea.

  1. Tidal single daily (diurnal tide)

In one day happen once the tide and one low tide. Tidal period the average is 12 hours 24 minutes. Daily type single example found in the waters around Karimata strait between Sumatra and Kalimantan.

  1. Tidal mix skewed to double daily (mixed semidiurnal tide prevailing)

In one day happened twice tide and low tide twice, but high and different periods. In the tidal mix skewed to double daily (mixed tide, prevailing semidiurnal) such as occurs in most waters of eastern Indonesia.

  1. The tides mix of single-leaning daily (mixed prevailing diurnal tide)

In this type in one day happen once the tide and one low tide, but sometimes temporarily occurs twice ups and downs twice with high and very different periods.

Some of the benefits of high tide and tidal as follows:
1). Some ports are near the sea rather shallow.
At the time of high tide, a ship could sail and dock at the pier.
2). The salt farmers can make use of seawater me at this time due to its beaches levels iar his saltier than usual. or At the time of high tide sea water sea water will fill these plots. When the sea water ebb and flow of the plots have been filled with seawater containing salt.
3). Differences in sea level between high tide and low tides result in potential energy.
Benefits of the tide the other is to look for fish. When seawater is experiencing high tide, the fish much carried on until very close to the coast. And when it receded, many fish washed up on the beach. This is often used by residents in coastal areas to be used as a livelihood at sea or on the beach, taking advantage of the tide, can easily find the fish, and find other marine animals, such as crabs, shrimp and lobster.

That's some of the benefits of the tide, especially for residents who live on the coast.

Perfect Moon phenomenon appears during the day.

This photo shows the ship was docked in the port city of Lhokseumawe mini Pertamina.

This photo shows the ship was docked in the port city of Lhokseumawe mini Pertamina.

This photo shows the ship was docked in the port city of Lhokseumawe mini Pertamina.

This photograph shows fishing boat looking for fish in the sea area of ​​Lhokseumawe.

A woman was carrying, transporting seawater to be processed into salt .

#"Keuneunong" Calendar Aceh.

One of the local knowledge of the archipelago on earth is there in the Aceh yag ie

"Keuneunong" as adapting to the seasons and the weather for farming purposes and

sail to trade as well as fishermen.

As it does climatology as guidelines for the determination of the season, which Keuneunong

abbreviated Keunong take guidance on shift patterns and changes of positions

happened to the stars in the sky and behavioral adaptations of animals at the turn

season which are used to determine when to plant rice, sowing paddy fields and

also when a good day for sailing so there is no high waves or wind storms at sea.

Keuneunong an Acehnese language vocabulary derived from the word Keunong

means kenak or fitting, about, met, or touch (TDMRC, 2013: 3) is said to be hit or hit

meaning that the position of the moon and stars scorpio located at the same position or parallel.

It also informs Keuneunong advantages and disadvantages of plant or fishing in a given month. Farmers and local fishermen in Aceh was until now wearing keuneunong as the basis for estimates of fishing and farming. It is as expressed in these terms: "Keunong in the number 11 seed tendril caran or do not get too close. keunong number 9 on average, keunong number 7 is still allowed to plant any plant grow. keunong number 5 should no longer grow many of his one season pest moth. That is the keunoeng eleven (11) sowing rice seeds should be rather rare. Keunong nine) 9) Average sown. Keunong seven (7) can still be sown, but keunong five (5) has been moth the coming season.

Snouck in his book "The Atjeher" translation Singarimbun NG (1985) mentions that keuneunong begins with keunong twenty-three (23 Jumadil End, according to the Hijri year). In this keuneunong, usually rice-paddy began to turn yellow, many of which collapsed and became puso due to strong easterly winds. Keuneunong formula is reduced by the number 25 twice in AD. As if in October, then 25 - (2 x 10) = 5 or also called keunong five.
Even on this matter in an idiom, the Acehnese are often mentioned: "The season went dancing trawl east, west season go farming or trade". which means east monsoon (the east wind) it's better to go to sea, west season (the west wind) is better for farming and trade, because the east monsoon waves are not malignant. While in the west season the waves are fierce and frequent storms.
Terms for the science also been developed, where the ancestors of the Acehnese have to know the science of astronomy is very useful for agriculture, livestock and down to the sea to fish or sail, this science is called keuneunong, which is now becoming forgotten. In addition they also know the science of astrology to determine a match for the west known as the zodiac and the science of how to open houses or other buildings, ranging from site selection, building materials up to the decor as well as a suitable time to start building or if the terms of the Chinese Feng Shui. And medicine with a natural herb that is very effective. So that Aceh has become a destination for the prosecution of science from all over the archipelago. But it is very unfortunate these sciences has begun to fade because the present generation has been slightly forgotten may be the result of influence of the republic of Indonesia, no longer so began to be forgotten, because it prefers to use astrology brought by strangers after his people slightly shifted from values indigenous culture.
BASIC CALCULATION "KEUNEUNONG" To grow rice farmers as well as fishermen are very clever in determining the time for fishing. So can time to plant rice. To determine the appropriate time in the Acehnese language is called "Keuneunong". Not everyone knows how to see the Keuneunong only certain people who can count. For reasons no longer be a subject in school. How to calculate which has its own formula:
For example counted in months 1. January 1 multiplied by 2 = 2
25 less 2 = 23 So, in January of contact (keunong) ..................................... ..................... 23.

  1. In February computed in 2 (two) times 2 = 4.
    25 subtract 4 = 21. So, in February hit (keunong) .................................... .................... 21.
  2. March is calculated in three (3) times 2 = 6.
    25 subtract 6 = 19 So, in March of contact (keunong) .................................... ........................ 19.
  3. The month of April is calculated in 4 (ponds) multiplied by 2 = 8.
    25 subtract 8 = 17 So, in April of contact (keunong) .................................... ......................... 17.
  4. In May computed in five (5) times 2 = 10.
    25 subtract 10 = 15 So, in May of contact (keunong) .................................... ........................... 15.
  5. In June counted in 6 (six) times 2 = 12
    25 subtract 12 = 13 so, in June (keunong) ..................................... ................................... 13.
  6. In July counted in 7 (seven) times 2 = 14.
    25 subtract 14 = 11 So, in July hit (keunong) .................................... ........................... 11
    8 .. The month of August is calculated in 8 (eight) times 2 = 16.
    25 subtract 16 = 9 Thus, in August hit (keunong) .................................... ...................... 9.
  7. In September counted in 9 (nine) times 2 = 18.
    25 subtract 18 = 7 Thus, in September hit (keunong) .................................... .................. 7
  8. In October, the month counted 10 multiplied by 2 = 20.
    25 subtract 20 = 5 Thus, in October hit (keunong) .................................... ...................... 5
  9. In November counted 11 months multiplied by 2 = 22.
    25 subtract 22 = 3 Thus, in November hit (keunong) .................................... .................. 3
  10. December 12 is calculated month multiplied by 2 = 24, 25, subtract 24 = 1.
    So, in December of contact (keunong) .......................................... ............. 1

About State Aceh '...

But now Aceh is known throughout the world see it as an area hit by natural disasters that took thousands of lives and the former conflict areas of Aceh dengean Indonesia, but after the earthquake tsunami conflict came to an end. which has reserves of natural wealth are very tempting. It is no wonder many people feel has kepenting for immediate help after Tsunamy hit Aceh in 2006. There are iklas help, there were just for the tour (comparative study), there is help rekonstri and its other humanitarian missions.

the gate of the Malacca Strait which is the path perlayaran the densest in the world after the Suez Canal. Because that's the position Aceh was extremely influential in the arena of world politics, both economically and in terms of security. Moreover, following the tragic tsunami of 26 December 2006, which also invited sympathy from around the world.

Diverse opinions that have been raised by historians about the origin of the name Aceh. Among them the most suitable is the opinion of Aceh name is taken from the Arabic "Achieh" that meaningfully "Brothers", and this opinion is very suitable characteristic of the population is very amicable (friendly) against the newcomers. There was also interpret this ACEH stands Emirates - China - Europe - Indies, because many people who have a lot of similarities with the four races.

Nation Aceh has a very long relationship with the international community, as news of the 15th century, which was recorded in the notes of the pioneers of the exploration of the ocean from several European countries in its mission to seek spice to this archipelago.

The level of national culture Aceh advanced all, this is evidenced by the remains of which are still lagging behind until now. The culture, there are still in use / mind and some are already forgotten because of the influence of keebudayaan Indonesia. which is difficult to be contained and has become part of the culture in this present generation. And we should be proud because the Aceh has long been familiar with the science of the standard unit (Acehness Units) itself, such as Meuseuti, Seuningkoi, Jeungkai, Haih, Deupa to declare the levels of distance and yok to state wide level. To state the volume levels, Kai, Cupak, Are, Gantang, Gunca, Kateng. Meanwhile, to express levels of weight with Saga, Bungkai, Mata, Gupang, tahil, mayam. Standard unit (Acehness Units) This is a reference from the standard size for the Malays.

Culture, Indigenous peoples are threatened not able to preserve the cultural heritage of the ancestors because of the nature greedy, greedy and arbitrary local officials and investors seem to cooperate deliberately omitted some of the sacred sites, Pukung Pahewan, Tajah Antang, Kaleka (the abode of the farm to move on antiquity), Grave Keramat and Sandung, which for the local community itself is more important presence than by having their oil palm plantations in the region. Several such cases that have occurred, in the district Kotim, Seruyan, Kobar, Kapuas, due to the expansion of oil palm plantations has eliminated the massive cemetery, Kaleka and sacred site had expired without the rest and become the target machine running amok penggusur the company.

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