- [ The World Just Don’t Know It Yet, blockchain revolution needs everybody ] -

in #life8 years ago (edited)

With this controversy on the hard fork of Bitcoin, many people (early adopters) are realizing that bitcoin is not the only one application of the blockchain...

Early adopters

It is very interesnting the way more people are realizing that the blockchain can hold any kind of data, from legal docs, DNS to health data. Even the Internet of Things would be more secure with a Ledger of "Everything", the blockchain is a truly open, distributed, global platform that fundamentally changes what we operate online and how we participate, for example with Dapps (Descentralized applications).
Organizations, and cities can be better today, it is possible to decentralized government services, and money transactions among other things... in such a fast and easy way that is hard to believe it.

The Scenario

Cryptocurrencies have established the integrity of the data without going through a trusted third party. But we haven't see the full potenciall of blockchain yet; this technology is capturing the imagination of the computing world as a wildfire, because we're trying to understand the implications of a protocol that gives people "real power". This has never happened before, a mass collaboration rather than large corporations driving us on the road.
The diversity in the blockchain has generated new ways of interacting, which means that it is necessary to include it in the discussions of "opinion liders" , media , education, etc.
There are many difficulties thhat blockchain need to overcome, for example to being widely adopted. We could be close to see a complete revolution in how we do everything. Regulatory Challenges and Impact on Payments & Settlements, in this sense, you might like this following VIDEO.
This arguments are also on the table in the USA and many countries already, centralising a decentralize system? These regulations really protect users, financies and governance?

If you're interested on the challenges of blockchain with people, please follow this link:

LINK (challenges-in-bringing-blockchain-to-the-people)

See you soon fellows!

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