The Two Trees

in #life6 years ago


According to the Bible, there were two trees in the Garden of Eden, the Tree of Life and the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Of course the story goes that the first woman, Eve, was tempted by the Devil into eating from the forbidden tree of knowledge of good and evil, which then led to the downfall of mankind after she convinced the first man, Adam, to also eat the fruit. This idea has led to the subconscious theme that women are to be blamed for everything wrong in life. However, if one takes a closer look at what the biblical account actually says, in Genesis chapter 2, God told Adam not to eat the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. This was before it even mentions Eve at all. So was she even prohibited from eating from that tree or was it just Adam? A few verses later, we see that God puts Adam in a deep sleep, during which time Eve is supposed to be created. However, no where does it ever mention that Adam actually woke up from his sleep. What if Adam is still sleeping until this day and all of this historical account is actually a distorted description of a bad dream?


Elsewhere in the Bible it refers to humans as trees, so it would stand to reason that the two trees mentioned are in fact Adam and Eve. But which one is which? Now if God told Adam not to eat of the Tree of knowledge of good and evil, perhaps Adam was that tree meant to bear fruit for Eve, not himself. It makes sense that Eve or woman would be the Tree of Life since only a woman can bring another life into this world by growing them in their own body. So we have this picture of two different trees, each one intended to bear fruit for the other one to enjoy. God tells Adam not to eat his own fruit which is wisdom and knowledge, but instead eat the fruit of Eve which I believe is LOVE. Apparently, Adam ate his own fruit, then his eyes were opened to all wisdom and knowledge and he became puffed up with pride and never shared his fruit with Eve or took the time to eat of Eve's fruit. Since that time, all men have been in hot pursuit of more knowledge and wisdom for themselves at the expense of their relationship with woman. We all eat of our own fruit of studies, hard work, and a lifetime of learning to show ourselves more wise than others, rather than loving and supporting our soul mate. We all want our Apple smartphones to show how smart we are and increase our status in society.


How do we go back to the Garden of Eden, the perfect place of the creation which God intended for us to live in? Well, I believe Adam is STILL eating his own forbidden fruit even until this day. We live our lives according to our own wisdom and knowledge. We plan out everything according to man's idea of good and evil and leave no room for LIFE itself to bear fruit. Woman is relegated to a secondary, subservient role and the relationship between man and woman has become a means to an end of accomplishing man's dream of obtaining greater knowledge and status in society. If we truly want to go back and start over again, we all need to stop obsessing over Adam's fruit of knowledge and wisdom. We need to give more time and importance to Eve and her potential to grow the fruit of LOVE. When man is able to partake of this fruit from the Tree of Life, then he will be moved to share his own fruit of wisdom and knowledge with woman. Then, this knowledge and wisdom won't be used to gain more power and wealth for himself, as men all over the world are doing today, but rather it can be used to make the world a better place and spread true love to everyone.

We are shifting from a time of man leading the world (HIStory) to a time of woman rising up to take the reins of leadership. Man has created a society that worships education, knowledge, wisdom and self at the expense of love, family and relationships. We don't need more of the same. We need an entirely new transformed life and outlook on humanity. May we learn to partake of the fruit of the Tree of Life (LOVE) and use the wisdom and knowledge to help others so that this world can be changed into its perfect potential of heaven on earth!


You said a very important thing. Your words are very good to me. You can learn to learn a lot from your localities and not be able to learn the next hope.

thank you, Riya! I believe you are the Tree of Life who can bear the fruit of LOVE~ <3 may you help make this world a better place...

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