I'm Having Some Trouble In Sleeping Again

in #life3 years ago

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These past few days isn't so hot for my needs so I didn't perspire compared to the other days. So I am more congested now and as a result of that I am having some trouble in sleeping because my lungs just gargles some fluids. It is no trouble but it makes me get some trouble in sleeping.

But I am able to sleep intermittently and got some dreams that I needed to make my brain get its needed easement. My dreams consist of the things that I was thinking but it has an element of my longing to be with my brothers. If only we can live again under one roof but of course those days were over and we have to part since they have a family of their own.

Anyway it is another day before my dialysis and it is a long, long wait really because of my congestion issues. I will just try to control my fluid intake and pray for a hotter day today so I can perspire more. I should be sitting more so that fluids in my lungs would be able to go down but it is still hard to even sit for long, it gets uncomfortable for me to do so and I really could not do something about it.

This is my life, I am in a constant misery and discomfort and I do not know why I am still able to last where everyone around me had all given-up. But I have to move on with my life even though it is awfully hard to do so. @redspirit

Thanks for reading. :D

Deutsch (German) Translation:

Die letzten Tage sind nicht so heiß für meine Bedürfnisse, deshalb habe ich im Vergleich zu den anderen Tagen nicht geschwitzt. Deshalb bin ich jetzt mehr verstopft und habe deshalb Schlafstörungen, weil meine Lunge nur ein paar Flüssigkeiten gurgelt. Es ist kein Problem, aber es bringt mich dazu, Probleme beim Schlafen zu bekommen.

Aber ich kann zeitweise schlafen und habe einige Träume, die ich brauchte, damit mein Gehirn die nötige Erleichterung bekommt. Meine Träume bestehen aus den Dingen, an die ich gedacht habe, aber es hat ein Element meiner Sehnsucht, mit meinen Brüdern zusammen zu sein. Wenn wir nur wieder unter einem Dach leben könnten, aber natürlich waren diese Tage vorbei und wir müssen uns trennen, da sie eine eigene Familie haben.

Wie auch immer, es ist ein weiterer Tag vor meiner Dialyse und es ist ein langes, langes Warten, wirklich wegen meiner Überlastungsprobleme. Ich werde nur versuchen, meine Flüssigkeitsaufnahme zu kontrollieren und für einen heißeren Tag heute zu beten, damit ich mehr schwitzen kann. Ich sollte mehr sitzen, damit die Flüssigkeiten in meiner Lunge nach unten gehen können, aber es ist immer noch schwierig, lange zu sitzen, es wird mir unangenehm, dies zu tun, und ich konnte wirklich nichts dagegen tun.

Dies ist mein Leben, ich bin in ständigem Elend und Unbehagen und ich weiß nicht, warum ich immer noch dort durchhalten kann, wo alle um mich herum alles aufgegeben haben. Aber ich muss mit meinem Leben weitermachen, obwohl es furchtbar schwer ist, dies zu tun.

Danke fürs Lesen.

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─=≡Σ((( つ•̀ω•́)つLET’SGO!

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Gosh, same here. Summer nights will always be tough for us people who are chronically ill. You take care.

Yes, but it is odd that I prefer the weather condition that most people doesn't like all because of its beneficial effects to my body and well-being @mermaidvampire.

Take care of yourself as well. :)

Man, few people know how hard life can really he sometimes. You are a true soldier, keep on fighting my bro. Im able to work and that is a blessing, but still i have room to complain. So many crybaby people in this world think they have it tough, but they don't know tough like you do.

Hi @captainquack22 I really wanted to cry but no tears are coming out anymore, it might mean that I am already numb emotionally but it doesn't mean that I am not in a too much discomfort and misery.

It has been too long I am in a situation like this but I am afraid to give-up because giving up means that I will get subjected to a lingering death associated with not getting dialyzed while suicide is not an option because of my spiritual beliefs.

But I am still fortunate compared to others in some aspects of my life especially of not giving my parents a mental and financial burden but physically it is a different story. :|

God bless you always.

I hear you brother. Its a very mystifying experience on this planet, and our time on Earth is in some ways too short, its crazy to think about.

And interesting how there can be so many outcomes in life. I want to keep seeing your posts, we both gotta keep rockin. Im glad that we are seeing some gains for our coins and hopefully more to come. See ya on the next posts!

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