The Life Of A Physically Challenged Person - Troublesome And Onerous

in #life7 years ago (edited)


The greatest gift from the GOD to humanity is Good Health. A person with good health no disability should be considered as Wealthy and Rich because he has something which a lot of people doesn't - the ability to walk, to see, to work, to eat, and to be happy. Not all people have good health or even full limbs attached to their body, a little harsh but the reality.

We call these people challenged or handicapped - because the word handicap means 'obstacles, restrictions or barriers that makes life difficult'. 

I don't have to explain further what a handicapped person is. This World is full of physically or mentally challenged individuals. Some are born with some kind of disability, others lost some of their sense organs on account of an attack or some major disease. Some are the victims of accidents or mis-happenings. But the crux of the matter is that these people would cease to have a normal life after their disability come into existence.

I have seen many cases with my own eyes where people look at these people with pity, weirdness and some even disrespect these people. I just wanna ask this kind of people -- How would they react if the same thing happened to their close relatives or even to their parents? Would their reaction be the same?

People with disabilities are not a burden rather they are a responsibility. We must not look down upon these people as social burdens. They must be encouraged to face life boldly and to feel that life still holds the charm for them. They can be usefully employed in various works and vocations where they can comfortably worked on. 

These people can achieve great success if they have given enough opportunity. Say for example -if one person is blind, then can be successful at music. Beethoven was deaf but still reached the height of success in Music. Nick Vujicic are the perfect example and an inspiration to many because even after born without limbs, he has achieved so many things in life, even a normal person can't. 


These people have already been facing many difficulties and post-traumatic stress of their disability in their daily life. They have children to feed and bills to pay. They are just like you and me except their are disabled and we're not. They don't need our charity but the fellow-feeling. There are some NGO's and charitable organisations who are working to provide for their basic necessities and even work to those who are able to do it.

In India, the government even started an initiative to arrange a 'Swayamvaram' ( an event where bride can choose their groom) for disabled women for whom finding a groom is a challenge. In India, we don't call these people 'disabled' rather we call them 'differently-abled' because they usually are much more able than us. 

Respect these people and Help them however you can, Please.

Thanks for reading.

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As a disable person, Asian are still very far away to accept us. Yes for us we think we are competitive, but for government and employee they may think different way. Unless they were same shoe, they will know.

I am so sorry to hear about your injury. As far as government is concerned, they help to an extent, but then their hands are also tied, they have other worldy matters to attend to. In the end, it's all upon us. We should help our fellow mates. Especially a person with 'different-ability'. I just hope government or other charitable organisations could find a way to help these people. @patricksanlin

Yes you are right. At the end Please follow me @patricksanlin and upvote. thanks

I love your posts.

Well, thanks a lot @andyx . I am glad to have you on this platform. Wish you all the success here.

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