Is Luck An Illusion? What About It's Importance On Steemit -- Do You Need Luck To Receive An Upvote From A WHALE?

in #life7 years ago


There are billions of people who believe in luck wholeheartedly. Even with their daily life tasks they depend on luck without any hesitation. I have come across many people in my life who are a huge believer of luck and destiny. Even a simple discussion with them on the topic of luck can end in a whole lot of argumentation. They just become so stubborn when it comes to defend luck. So Is this luck exists? Is luck so much powerful ? What is luck in the first place?

Well, as per Google -- Luck is a mystery which cause us success or failure as a result of chances rather than our own actions or hard work. 

So, simply luck is nothing to be explained with some pretty hard logic. There are no viable studies to prove it's existence. There are no strong logic which can explain how it works. So, basically luck is something which has it's own wish to bless people randomly. There are no fixed rules when it comes to receive it's blessings. But still people believe in it wholeheartedly. 

I would call it an illusion, an illogical but pretty solid. Now, have your people saying these sentences very often:

"I think I have a solid luck today, I should have bought more shares in X ltd."

"O yeah ! I just earned a $5000 lottery, I think luck is with me."

"O shit ! Someone stole my car. I am having a bad luck for few days."

So, these are the sentences people say more often when they pointing out the importance of luck in their life. A person who is winning a poker game in a casino will bet more on that game by depending on his previous winnings with no logic. What is the guarantee that this 'luck' will be on his side again and again, especially when there's no skill involved? On the other hand, a person losing on roulette game will do no more betting because he's feeling whole lot of unlucky. Does the roulette machine knows who is luck or who is not? There's no logic in all this 'luck' thing. 


Luck is a complete illusion in the matter of Gambling. People make decisions on the basis of it, bit it actually doesn't exist. I believe if there is no skills involved, then your chances of success in anything will near to zero. Simple thing "No hard work, no success". There's nothing in this world which can reward you handsomely without having you put some effort into it. Even the self -made millionaire have done hard work in their early days. They are not on this level of success just purely on the basis of luck. If this would be the case, then every other person would be rich and happy eventually. 

So, there is no luck, just hard work and determination to achieve the success you desire.

Now, let's talk about Steemit.

A lot of people here on Steemit believes that When you start new in here, you should be lucky to get the success early. I mean come on, where is the logic in that? If a newbie don't work hard and remain inactive on this platform, the how is he gonna be successful in here?

Steemit needs hard work and lots of it. Alongwith it needs smartness to make good quality content and spread it over the whole steemit world. Only making posts is not enough, you have to market them properly. You should make connections. You should help people with their problems and in return they'll help you with your work. Where does this luck come in this picture?


May be once or twice you could receive an upvote from a whale but this is not luck either. WHALES only votes on good content. Content they believe deserves their vote. They just don't come on every post and give their precious upvote on it. So, in order to successful on steemit, you don't need luck. Instead you need hard work, passion and networking. Forget about luck and do some real hard work.

I am grateful to talk to some of the WHALES (actually I prefer, Well Setup people on steemit) and guess what they are earning great payouts per day but no on the basis of luck but with their hard work, their time investment and their dedication. They worked hard at some point and now they are taking rewards of their hard work on steemit. 

I respect all those 'Well-Setup people'. I learn from everyday because it's up to us to learn from legends, they won't come to us and teach us some life lesson. 

Some of these well setup people are:

@exyle, @craig-grant, @jerrybanfield,@ausbitbank, @jphederson, @krystle @acidyo @fyrstikken @patelincho @akrid .... and the list goes on.

So forget luck and do some hard work with good passion and determination, whether on steemit or in your really life.

Luck is an illusion while hard work is an outcome. 

Thanks for reading.


Here is a solid quote that I live by -

This is exactly I believe and implement in my life @nzfxtrader

#cryponet, couldn't agree with you more!! The ones working with me @whalepower are amazing!! I upvote and resteem them as much as I can. They need a lot of power to keep us informed, educated and yes trained. They are also very generous with their awards if they feel they are worthy.

Yeah, exactly that's what I am sayin @thethreehugs. You're working hard as much as you can and in return you're getting good support. That's how steemit works and that's how hard work is done. I wish you all the success.


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