A Beggar's Contribution To The Freedom Of A Country - Stupendous & Highly Remarkable !

in #life7 years ago


You must have seen a beggar many times over in your life. But have you seen their physical conditions ? The half torn clothes usually wore by them? Have your ever felt their full empty stomach? Have you seen their pain hiding behind their faceless expressions? If not, then you must.

A beggar has nothing, except his life. He is begging because of the circumstances, not because he likes it. No one likes to beg for something from someone. No one wants to spread their hands in front of someone. But some crucial circumstances makes them do this. 

Anyways, I would like to tell you a remarkable story of A Beggar's contribution to the freedom of India. I am sure, after reading this, you would definitely grow a huge respect in your heart for beggars.

So, it goes something like this.

Before India gained independence, a few young men from the villages wanted to free India from the foreign yoke. They needed material wealth to throw the foreign forces out of India, so they started collecting money and wealth in the Indian villages. But after a while, they also got inspired to collect material things as well. They went from house to house carrying a big bag, which gradually was filled with money and gifts. As they went, a one-legged beggar started following them. But the young men did not mind.

At the end of the day, they went to their house to see what they had collected so far. The beggar also wanted to enter, but since he was not the part of the group, they did not allow him in. The beggar requested them and said: “I walked such a long distance right behind you. You want freedom; I also want freedom. Doing something for our Motherland is not only your, It is also mine.”

At first, the young men got angry at him and told the beggar to go away. But then one of the men felt sorry for him, so they decided to show him the things they had collected. While the beggar was looking at the wealth and materials in their bag, most of them were showing him real contempt. Then suddenly the beggar opened up the bag that he had been carrying. It contained a few coins, some rice and some wheat flour. He eventually threw all the contents into their bag. 

Having seen this, all the members of the freedom group started shedding tears of gratitude, because he had given them all the property he had for their cause. On very same day, they also had gone to visit so many wealthy families, who had given them next to nothing; but this beggar had given them everything that he had! They were deeply affected by the beggar’s generosity. 


The Conclusion is -- It doesn't matter what little wealth you have, but what matters is that how much bigger your heart is. Some people are millionaires by wealth, but when it comes to charity, they turns out to be a beggar. In this World, the only thing which you can be proud of is your own GRATITUDE. Because in the end, this is the only thing which people would remember about you. They'll never remember your wealth.

So, respect everyone, help everyone, be cheerful, have some gratitude and live our life like a legend. 

Thanks for reading.


Nice post Mrs. Steemit. Ill be following you. Great work, @cryptonet

Hi All :)) I hope your steemit life is good :)


Yeah . Thanks @tranguyen , Wish you too all the success on steemit.

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