Cook - Clean - Women ...............

in #life6 years ago


Cook-Clean-Women .....


  • Now I know what you were thinking as you clicked on this post, I know the thoughts coursing through your minds, I know the arguments that you have come here to make, I even know the invectives that you are intending to use, but before you go ham, first read this.

  • Now, Cook-Clean-Women, immediately you are thinking sexist, misogamist, uncivilised etc, these are the thoughts that springs to the mind of the reoriented modern mind when confronted with these word sequence – Cook-Clean-Women; immediately you are thinking “we have been past this already surely, people don’t even have this as a thought anymore never mind expressing them as an opinion”





  • We have had the suffragettes, we have had the age of emancipation, everybody is pretty much that little bit more educated now and this surely has been consigned to the annals of history as something of the dark past

  • But hold, why these word sequences offend so much, why does the words cook-clean-women, used in a sentence incite so much rage.

  • We live in politically correct times, that much we can all agree on, but really is it time to start to speculate if political correctness has actually now gone mad? ..... Is it now turning into a counterproductive / counterintuitive thing?

  • The words cook clean and women should not offend when used in a sentence whatever your political leanings are, and it should not at all be read as a sexist statement because in the world that we live in now, even in 2019 ,if you go into any home anywhere in the world the women of the house still traditionally carry out the duties listed, traditionally, in virtually every country on the planet, the mum of the house is in charge of the meals and the laundry, yes, I know that there are lots of households where this is not at all the case and I know that there are even more households where these duties are shared or the man chips in every now and then etc, but really, traditionally and contemporaneously , globally, does duties still remain the prerogative of the woman of the house, this is just a fact.



  • If you go into any household anywhere in the world and see the man doing the cooking and the woman putting her feet up in front of the telly, whilst this might not particularly jar your senses, it would probably align more with your world view if those roles were reversed because that is how it sits in your subconscious.

  • Let me use a more marked example to make the point, so, you live in the countryside and your are out walking in the woods, you come across a young couple, both fit and healthy, nothing wrong with either of them, the man is sitting down hold a baby as he looks on watching his wife chopping down a tree, now, there is no reason why this should not be the case but again it would probably align better if those roles were reversed.



  • The point that I am making is that men and women are different, duh! Right? But the further point is that there are traditional roles that we assign to people based on gender, now whilst I accept that the world is fast changing and some of these archaic repressive traditions should be done away with and rightly so, I am starting to baulk at the relentless aggression of the politically correct brigade.

  • I am starting to tire at the way they charge at you, pick-axe held high, even at the mention of something as placid, mundane and true to real life as the word association – “Cook – Clean and Women”

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