5 Things Women Wish Men Knew About Relationships ..............

in #life6 years ago


5 Things Women Wish Men Knew About Relationships. .....


  • She nags because she cares:

Women claim that they nag because they care, the argument is that if a woman is happy for you to do whatever you like then it is likely that she does not care about you as much as you imagine that she does, women say that what men see as nagging is actually them showing that they care .

  • Be careful what you wish for when you say you want a ‘strong woman’!

Women say that men should be careful when they say they want a strong woman, most men do not actually know what this means, women argue. Men, they say, claim they want a strong woman but with a strong woman comes intelligence, an independent mind, strong will etc. Often when men encounter this they struggle and start trying to change the woman or ask her to tone down her personality. Women are asking that men be clear on just what it means when they say they want and indeed when they go for a “strong woman” because, often, the lady is not for changing.



  • Be consistent:

Don’t start something that you cannot finish or stay with! , women plead. Women are pleading for men to be consistent, start as you mean to go on they say, don’t start something that you cannot finish and follow through once you have stated your intentions – women say that they are FED UP! With the games that men play.

  • We never mean it when we say don’t talk to us ever again:

This is one of those yes means no arguments that men find confusing. Women say when they say don’t talk to me ever again they don’t actually mean it they are just reacting to the emotions of that moment but really there is a sense of de javu about this, we have had this debate before and I thought we had settled it. What women say and mean has been the subject of much contention for a very very long time. yes means yes and no means no . We thought we had settled this, now this.

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  • Women are not all the same!

We are not all the same!, women plead. Women are pleading that men treat them as individuals, we are not all the same they argue and your experience with one woman does not necessarily indicate what your experience with the next woman you meet will be.

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