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RE: The Cost of Public School Bullying

in #life7 years ago

I'm glad you brought this up. People act like bullying isn't a problem in schools anymore, when in fact it's even more of a problem. Just because kids don't talk about it doesn't mean it isn't there. Cyberbullying is also a big factor. Social media is so prevalent these days that people will bash others on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, etc. Schools don't factor this in because they can't physically see it. If there was an initiative towards tackling bullying, I believe we would see a big change. If people knew how much money was being lost because kids are too afraid to go to school, you can believe others would get involved. Plus, I'm tired of this PC culture. If someone defends themselves from a bully by fighting them, the bully is considered the "victim." Like when did everything become so twisted that it's even wrong to defend yourself? You're supposed to let them hit you and not do anything? No wonder kids don't want to come to school. We need to change the way we look at these things or else the problem will only get bigger. Thanks for sharing!


Good points on the social media aspects that isn't looked at as well. Thanks for the feedback.

You're supposed to get an arbiter to stop them from retaliating even more next time, yes. We're still talking about bullying and not self defense right, or you're ok with entering into that discussion, because from my point of view bullying is a learned/copied behavior, and it doesn't get unlearned by force, and self defense needs justification past bullying.

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