
gotta do your part no matter how small

Where I live, whenever an aluminum cans are purchased, you must pay a $0.10 deposit per can. When they are returned, you get your deposit back. But people STILL throw cans away and litter with them! The homeless around here collect cans to make a few bucks a day. It's like collecting dimes from the ground. @ironshield

I used to work on an army base in Germany doing housekeeping in the hotel for the soldiers and their family coming into and leaving the country (between housing)....lemme tell you, I made so much from those glass and plastic bottles and cans! Every week I had a contractor bag full ..that’s extra money for something I’m already getting paid to do! Some weeks I’d cash in get only 50-60 euros and some I’d cashbin couple bags worth and get over was crazy. And at the time dollar was lower than euro so I’d cash in for bonus cash on top of the bonus cash..
so nice!!

I'm always shocked when I see cans laying around. If someone found a dime on the ground they wouldn't pass it by, how much more would you pick up the can? Not just for the dime, but because it's the right thing to do! @ironshield


Where are you in the world?

I used to live in Germany and they had a similar program for plastic and glass also. I’d walk my dog with a bag and come home with a happy puppy some light excercise and a few euros...I was pleased. Plus the added benefit of committing a selfless (yet still rewarding) act ...picking of trash, one ignorant piece at a time.

I'm in Michigan. Where the grass is greenish and the cans are ten cents. A few buildings are crumbling, but other places are nice! The weather can never make up it's mind, today it's spring a few days ago it was winter. @ironshield

I’m currently in Northern California. Home of the heavily taxed.
Premium gas is $4.09 here

I didn't know California was a red state! @ironshield

It’s wild to think about really...much like this (see below)

LOL! He'd do it for... a penny! @ironshield

If I laugh I’m more genorous with a upvote%

I didn't know that. How strange! Lincoln was a wrestler. @ironshield

My thoughts exactly..a friend told me to google who invented the choke slam cuz I wouldn’t believe him if he had just told me haha

It's the same where I live.
I met a guy qho was making $400 q week collecting cans.

It's now .05 to use a plastic bag, so people use more cloth bags, but the people qho throw bags out on tje side of the road now throw cloth bags.

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