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RE: Will China Overtake The United States?

in #life6 years ago (edited)

I agree with what you say but as one who understands the different classes in economics.....why (if i was apart of the working poor) would i want to work for a lower wage? Do you think the lower wages are a result Chinese citizens wanting to be more competitive in the global economic market place or because democracy and freedom aren't as important to the Chinese status quo?

Also i find it ironic that China literally has laws preventing the number of children a family can have whereas in America we just use subtle indirect methods of population control like gun violence, drugs and disease.....


No, they don't choose the low wages's just how their economy works..Things are generally cheaper, people don't need that much money to live..that keeps the wages democrazy..or the lack thereof..
Well, they have to have the one-child policy..otherwise there will be no work, not enough food produced in China...Then they would have to import more...putting an upwards pressure on prices...making them less competative..
They really got it figured out..

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