Life is Good When You Make Time for Loving It

in #life7 years ago

Living Life Doesn’t Mean Expensive Life

So many people these days’ care more about what they wear, what kind of phone they have, how fancy their car is or how big their house is, yet they spend no time, money or effort on enjoying simplicity, something I consider the most valuable part of life. Will anyone really care if you have the newest IPhone? Does it make sense to have a massive house when it is only you and your spouse? How about having 30 name brand purses or 100 pairs of shoes? Nope. No one is really going to give a rat’s ass about it. Money smart people may consider you a fool. Those that are comfortable in their own skin may look at that type of lifestyle as being too self-conscious.

Now before I get too far, please know that I am NOT trying to bash anyone, or pick on anyone in a sense of what they choose to do with their money. Some spend it like it water; payday comes and they are broke. Others choose to keep or invest…no matter the case, it is a personal choice. I am 100% behind anyone living the life they choose to live and how they spend their hard-earned money is all up to them. But my point I’m trying to convey is that all those things are not necessary.

I’d give anything to see a world of living life by enjoying the simple things it has to offer. Spend time outside just swinging in a hammock, not in front of a 65” TV. Take a walk with your family or if you’re single, maybe a neighbor and chat about your day. On a cool night, spend it in front of a fire, watching the flames dance upon a moonlit night. Instead of video games in the snowy months, why not go outside and have a snowball fight with your family or for shits and giggles build a snowman to decorate your front yard. See where I’m going with this?

Living Life Should Be About Loving Yourself

Nothing upsets me more than someone who constantly beats themself up. Why do that? Sure the psychologists and counselors are all going to say I don't understand what that person is going through and that is accurate, 110%. But I do know that if I'm feeling like poo, I need to do something about it. My advice is for everyone to push themselves, take chances and know that yes it is hard, it's supposed to be, but in the end, you will prosper so much more. You will be a better person, feel a million times better and want to move on to a bigger challenge. Small things will seem inconsequential and the large things, well you'll want to go and tackle those right away. Love who you are, become comfortable with yourself so you can eventually move out of your life's comfort zone and experience all the new things life has to offer. Try this for a, try it for a week, even on the smallest level and you will notice a difference, I guarantee it.

Everyone has been hurt at some point. Use those mistakes, those feelings of being down in your favor. Don't spend hundreds of dollars a session talking to a therapist and please don't pass your time staring down the bottom of a bottle either. Learn to appreciate what you have in life. Learn to accept that it's ok to make mistakes, to stop beating yourself up over simple issues that can be easily thought through and solved. Always know that tomorrow is a new day and you can have another opportunity to start new, to improve on what you may have missed out on the previous day.

Lastly, I want to say that my advice is not in no way shape or form a cure all or should be accepted as medical advice. All I am trying to say is that we, as today's society, spend way too much money on things that frankly don't matter in the long term and we worry about what everyone else says instead of going off of what we think as an individual. Like I mentioned earlier, live life in a simple way. That doesn't mean live in a shack on a deserted island wearing a fig leaf, but don't take everything as seriously as we do now. I at one point was one of these people and I chose to move forward with my life and get rid of things that keep me down. I smile more, I appreciate life more and I am happier for it. I hope my words written here will give at least one person hope and challenge at least one person to go outside their boundaries. Yes it is scary and you might fail...but what is worse? Knowing that you tried and failed, or waking up 30 years from now wishing you did?


@ocd thank you for the opportunity as someone commented they found this via your services and now I have seen a HUGE IMPACT on my overall status, more views and strength to my ability to want to push forward here on Steemit. I sincerely appreciate it

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Thank you for the response and possible opportunity to have my story shared out to even a more visible audience.

keep it rolling man, saw you via @OCD / new follower / peace

Thank you for the kind words and following. I'm still trying to find my niche here at Steemit. I believe that using my heartfelt experiences can and will make an impact on everyone. I appreciate the support and I will indeed continue to send out more good writing and displays of life for all!

Awesome post thanks for sharing

You're welcome. I like to encourage people to be their best person and not just go through the motions of life. too many people want to just be in a routine and that's fine, but challenge yourself daily and you'll be amazed at the results!

The secret to happiness (for me) is being active. I have tried the whole gym routine, but found that being inside surrounded by sweaty strangers really did not strike my fancy lol!

For anyone out there, I recommend riding your bike, swimming, running, surfing, or anything OUTSIDE. Be active, and do so outdoors whenever possible. I've made a number of friends through these activities, as well, and they are generally friends I relate to much better than those I meet at gyms, bars, work, etc.

I agree with all of this! I'm a happy person, but the one thing I've always struggled with is self-love - it always feels like I'm undeserving and should be doing more and pushing myself harder. I hope to find some peace with that in the limited time that I have. :)

this is so good, I loved your views :)

Thank you. I try to look at it from all sides but in reality the only side that matters is what our own opinion is.

Yes you are right, and i liked your opinion.

Its my life,, john bon jovi..
Great post,, thanks

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