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RE: Dunce

in #life6 years ago

You laugh. I was asked as I was the outsider in the company at the time and they were scared of me. The question was " are you on the bus or off the bus?" I hate it when people try and cover their arses when they are blatantly wrong.


Oh I have heard that expression before! Man that's quite popular in shouldn't m Scotland!

This is one of the reasons I can't do corporate. There are too many people worried about their jobs instead of just doing their jobs.

I would love to escape the rat race but sadly am trapped!

Just quit your job, become a gentleman, maybe even try for MP - Uncle Boom's got it right.
Or perhaps try for a bit of detective work? So long as they're not bribing you with new toys and cigarettes...
Or you could just retire and be supported by your wife working as a doula - hopefully he (the client) pays well.
And then again, you could always try selling limequats - I've heard it's very lucrative. Just don't make ol' Willard's mistake - watch out for the butler!

I have considered all of these options. My heart is telling me to go with the limequats ;0)

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