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RE: Being a New Dad

in #life7 years ago

Been there, done that with both my children in the delivery room : ) And told my son when he got married that if his wife got pregnant that he better be in the delivery room with her!

I remember when my son was born, my first time in the delivery room, I asked the doctor "What happens if I pass out?" He said "We're going to leave you on the floor and take care of her! I said ok and did just fine : )

Congratulations and enjoy your child(ren) while they are young, they grow up before you know it! : )

As always, I upvote/follow/resteem those that do the same for me. Just don't spam my feed or will unfollow/mute


Yeah, my Dad wasn't there for my birth so I was definitely going to be there for my sons.

After seeing what my wife went thru to bring my son into the world, I gave up on have 4 or 5 children and defered to her on how big our family would be. She then said, the kids should not outnumber the parents so we only had 2 : )

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