I got chewed out at work this week

in #life7 years ago (edited)

It started out on Thursday. I just got an email from a place that I applied to to and they wanted to set up an interview for the next morning. I said yes, and I told my current job that I had a last minute doctor appointment to go to.
On the way out from work an editor told me there was a problem with his project and asked if I could take a look at it. It was past closing but I missed my window of time to catch a train back to Westchester where I live so I stayed and tried to fix the project. I fixed a majority of it, or so I thought, and left to catch the next train. ( I have an hour + commute so I do my best to miss as few as I can.)
So I go to the interview, it goes relatively well. It's now noon and I ask to take the rest of the day off since it'll take me so long to get back to where I work. Besides, I had to work Sunday anyway. So they said yes and I took the day off to spend with my wife.
On Saturday I got a message that one of the other departments bosses and my supervisor needed to chat about some things. I'm fairly good friends with my supervisor so I asked if I should worry in a private message. He said not really. Just wait till Monday but not to worry too much.
So I get in on Monday, and I'm thinking back to the project I didn't 100% finish on Thursday and I start to freak out a little bit. We all sit down, and the first thing I'm told is that I'm getting cocky and too comfortable. That I've been getting lax because recently I had a very successful few months and now that it was downtime that I'm slipping.
Wham. That hurt. It hurt because I sort of knew it was true. I felt a bit comfortable, but thinking about it just made me confused and I pushed it aside to continue listening to them.
Then they mentioned 3 things that apparently showed up on Friday that were basically my fault. Or at least I think they were? I keep debating it in my mind. And one of them I know 100% is my fault. But I keep fighting it and thinking "that's not fair, I have enough on my plate to do."
But the reality is, it doesn't matter. Even if it's only partly my fault and I need to learn from it.
Another thing that happened was that I kept thinking throughout all of Monday after getting chewed out: "Man I really can't wait for those people from the interview to call me and get me out of here." Which reflecting on that, is just a terrible thought. Whatever happens at my current job, can happen anywhere else. The grass is not always greener on the other side no matter how appealing it may seem.
Even right this second as I'm writing this I'm STILL thinking about how unfair it was that they treated me the way they did and bombarded me without asking my side of the story, but again. It doesn't matter because that's just how life goes sometimes. It was a huge lesson for me to learn, and I only hope I can improve by it, because if I had just stayed an extra half an hour or so, maybe I could have fixed the whole issue, or if I had gone into work after the interview. But maybe not, because maybe someone was just in a bad mood that day and it had to be taken out on me. I don't know, because I'm not, and no one else is, a mind reader. I can't see what happens when I'm not there.

So hopefully lesson learnt, the past is the past, and I'll keep my head in the game.
Thanks for reading. Stay strong everyone.