The Meaning of Life - Why are we HERE ?

in #life7 years ago

Many times in life we lose our focus. Starting out, we had big dreams with high ambitions for ourselves. Some keep that focus and go for their dreams, while the majority simply sit on the sidelines in life and coast by. Existence - We exist for a special purpose. We were created for a special purpose. Unfortunately someone comes along and discourages you from your focus (This could even be yourself discouraging yourself out of fear).rainbow.jpg

I have no doubt that all of us can think of a particular person or group of people that discouraged you from your real ambitions in life. Maybe that person, or those people discouraging you thought it in your best interest. Think about that for a moment, Someone discouraged you from what you really wanted to do in life. OR, what if you didn't attain your own goals in life and you simply exist to better the pocket book of your boss. What I know is this. You were created for something better, something GREATER. You were created for a higher purpose. Maybe where you are now is exactly where you are supposed to be, because this will give you the opportunity to realize you are not following your dreams and passion in life. Possibly in your daily job/activities you are already thinking and dreaming of what you really want to do. Use the free time and dream time you have to come up with a plan on how you will achieve those dreams you have.

I myself sometimes get down and out when things don't go my way, only to find that if I hadn't been in a particular job or a particular place, then my goals wouldn't have been reached (Trust me I still have plenty of dreams and goals not yet reached). Maybe that job you are currently in is to give you the MOTIVATION and extra push to reach out for those goals you once set for yourself. Bring those passions and dreams into your everyday thinking and FOCUS. We all need a nudge now and then. Maybe, just maybe life is waiting for you to take a leap of faith, and to quit your current job to focus on what you were here to really do in life. Let us FOCUS !

Have you ever asked yourself the question "What am i doing in this job or place? What am i doing living here in this city? Why don't I go to where I really want to be. Why don't I just go home?" So many questions you must ask yourself to be all you can be. Maybe your goal and passion in life is to simply help your parents/parent and to quit a high paying job. Life is not about money. Sure money can be nice and can let you have a lot of fun. HOWEVER money is not the focus of what your life goal or passion is about. Maybe you are a stock trader. Stock trading is your passion, not about the money. The money is just the result from putting your passions to work.

Are you a singer? Let me rephrase that, ARE you a closet singer? Step out and be bold. Start singing in some nursing homes to further your talent and by all means put yourself out there for the WORLD to see. In other words, make a great recording of yourself and publicize it on social media. You never know who may be watching.

Do you sit on a chair in a mundane job and think about fishing or outdoors all day? Then step out and really focus on finding a place you enjoy so your passions can finally be put to work.

EVERYONE of you is capable and competent. You were born with something deep inside you that has a passion for something. Do you know what? Do you really want to succeed in life? THEN FOCUS, and FOLLOW YOUR PASSION. When you put your inward gifts to work, then you can do nothing BUT SUCCEED. Come on people, step up and Follow your dreams. They really can come true.

(Article by Tim Crowe)
Re-post for those that need encouragement.


Yes! Cool post @crowe! much needed! What would it take to get out of our comfort zone and take the risk to live our dreams? courage, faith in the unknown, love, compassion...? We develop so many divine qualities when we decide to step up and start to climb the mountains that our soul wishes us to climb...and when we decide to take the first step, we receive so much help from the universe, if it's aligned with our heart, nothing can stop us anymore as we know we are fully supported to build our golden path, to follow our own myth through the maze of life... thank you for this inspiring post. with love and blessings. X

Thank you. I appreciate that. Have a great day.

Great post! I am a big advocate of this... Alan Watts raises an interesting question in one of his talks that I think we all should ask ourself and reflect on.

What would you do if money was no object?

I think most poeple would have to answer that they wouldn't be doing what they are doing.

Would love to see more inspiring content here.

Thank you so much. I do appreciate that. I would also love to see more inspiring content. I'll have to write more. Take care.

Tim this is another great post... you have 1,500 followers and it has made $0.46 at present. At Team Australia you would have made at least $20. Make sure you post this sort of stuff to #teamaustralia - we appreciate it. SirKnight. Now I am upvoting and resteeming!

Hey, thanks a lot. I very much appreciate that. Thanks also for taking the time to read it.

inspiring! thanks! new follower + upvoted + resteemed

Thanks kintaro. I appreciate that greatly. I am following. Going to your site now to check it out.

The holy fire of inqusition cured lots of ambitions :)

The keyword - cureD
We are lucky not to live in that century

YES.. I agree. Thanks for the post.

same to you

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