What is your life all about . . . Not sure ? then DO something about it ! ! !

in #life8 years ago

Generally I think most people tend to think alike. That people generally hang with those who share comfortable opinions and beliefs, we tend to call these people friends ; however often it is more complicated. I recall this crazy cult of religious nut-jobs who in the dozens took an poisonous overdose killing themselves and their very young kids to hitch a ride on a passing comet as it hurtled through space . . .


I mention this simply because these parents had a duty to provide and protect their kids until they were old enough to make informed choices. It is not reasonable when a parent asks their young child to drink a suicide cocktail and die to have the hope of being launched into space via astral-projection to jump onto a passing comet ! ! !


Obviously that is an extreme example of parents messing up their children's lives but everything that happens to you makes you the person you are today. If you spent your primary education playing in playgrounds that had toxic chemical leeching into your soil, most likely you will have some major physical ill-effects today.

The same as if your parents used to shake you or throw you into a wall. What is not so obvious is your parents were generally your major role models for personality development. Once you reach adulthood you need to generally stop and consider how your screwed up parents have affected you. The funny thing is sometimes the worst parents actually achieve good things. Some children literally grow up while still in puberty and firmly believe they want to be nothing at all like their parents because they believe their parents were terrible people.


Everything in life that happens to you helps shape your beliefs and attitudes. Some people say " get over it and move on " but it is nearly impossible to simply ignore certain things. What people must do is simple ; and extremely hard . . . Grab a sheet of paper and outline all your good points and all your bad points. Include opinions of others who know you. This list is your LIFETIME REPORT CARD , now keep it to yourself or share it with someone you trust ! ! !


Everything has to live life, like ants or even a Whale ! Spare a thought for that next flower before you pick it : ) Simply you need to magnify the good points and UPsell yourself in those good things including telling yourself while standing in front of a mirror. Practice affirmations of your good points and your wants and goals, talk to your mirror, write out your goals. Now work on your " PERSONALITY BUCKET LIST " ; those not nice things you listed. Slowly eliminate them as you consciously try and find instances of when you acted poorly.


A lot of people in today's world grew up without significant role models simply because their family life was to busy or their parents were busy trying to do everything to provide for the family. Thus many people today belong to the " Me , Myself & I " generation. You need to work at making yourself better, you need to consider if your an egomaniac or a pseudo-narcissistic in training. Life is for living, none of us are likely to be popular, rich or famous but your job is to constantly try and make yourself a better person.


Like it or not you are a product of your society and you live within some sort of society. Your job is to be the best person you can be for yourself and those you care about, work to make yourself a better person. Currently I have about three personal projects on the go, I might suggest you take a long hard look at yourself and figure out how to improve yourself, take a free course in basket weaving or whatever to develop your knowledge. If you hate history go start writing articles about the Vietnam war or why Napoleon invaded Russia, who were the Tsars and what did Genghis Khan do for a living ?


Remember I am not suggesting you tell your boss you are smarter than them, nor file for divorce; just simply work at making yourself a better person and try to live life as best you can. It is irrelevant whether you believe in reincarnation because even if you do believe that then you cannot have a ' memory ' of that previous lifetime, so understand your not getting out of life alive and work to enjoy what happiness you can find today . . .

Understand if your rich or famous or locked up in a SuperMax prison ; today is your only true possession so enjoy it ! ! !

Life is for Living ; so go move your body : )

Thank You Pixabay for the images.

Who are you networking with ; )


Well said, it takes real parents to teach you the right way, my parents were martians lol :)

Yeah sometimes it can take a lifetime to recover from parents who make mediocre look like over achievers . . .

Its taking me a lifetime to sort my head out, I'll get to thank them one day

@crok yes it has and always be an uphill journey, but there is no other hill to climb... Carry on and revel in the strength derived.

It is a nice feeling knowing whatever I have i fought for and got for myself , and i did not even have to step on anyone to get it ; just had to kill four people (just kidding) but what I have is all mine.

It is even a nice feeling of security knowing that the crud I have managed to accumulate is so worthless to other people no one would even bother trying to take it off me ; )

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