Say whatever you want; you are still a 9 year old in North Korea, try and rip me off...

in #life8 years ago

Steemit is an amazing place, people come together herein to avoid censorship and contribute their trash to the World Wide Web.

I say trash since much of what people publish is mindless garbage and some of it is even worse than these words herein you are currently reading.

Conspiracy and false flag theories, why this supplement is safe to turn you into a ripped bod in just 3 days if you buy it now for 6,098$ ? The one I love is you can earn 280,000 per year just picking up other peoples packages from overseas at your local customs warehouses...

So when something great is created the RoBOTS and clickbaiters arrive. Genuine and false hype inflate the price to stupidity and nasty pines-vaniga imaginable to prey and rip off gullible innocents. Thus we never know whom is genuine, we become cynical; this cycle leads to distrust. Thus this isolation leads to depression, suspicion and paranoia.

Humans are social animals, remember their is a huge difference between humans and people. Human are biological animals that have destroyed hundreds of lifeform species and polluted much of Planet Earth. So as society gets busier we fear the loos of our privacy and individuality. We text instead of speaking, this is so we do not demand the attention of the other human to stop their current task to voice speak with us. Yet we require a very fast reply, if a text goes unanswered the other persons says whats up I was in the movies (they feel a need to explain their delay)...

People need to start saying to friends and family, I am fighting back against the instant technology world and I will not respond immediately. Simply I will reply some time today etc. One awesome way is Sunday = no technology, just go dark for the day. Tell people you are not around. Tell them you will turn on the phone every 3 hours to check for emergencies, emergencies are not what the sender feels is important, but rather what an impartial observer would consider an emergency.

The internet has given us cyberspace, it has also led to the total fragmentation of family life. Instead of kids asking adults stuff , adults when interrupted say ; go google it. Thus everyone is no longer a family unit, thus situations develop where a loss of connection is felt even within households.

Seeking privacy in an impersonal world people no longer socialize with neighbours, but online. With congestion it is impossible for most people who are working longer irregular hours to meet in person. Everyone gravitates toward the web, cyberbullying of anonymous humans allows everyone to be as rude and impersonal as they like. Empathy, Compassion are seen as weaknesses when everyone is a 9 year old n North Korea awaiting the opportunity to steal your identity.

Reality is suspended in the matrix as people focus on the fear and hype of companies offering to safeguard your lifestyle and identity. All this stupidity further isolates the end users to the point of stress and panic. People need to understand that 99 % of people are just trying to get by. Try and not panic when people say hello, just chat and await their scam, their oh whats your number or last name whatever...

I myself am Greg, I am a 54 year old Aussie in Florida; met my lady online in WOW in 2007; I work as a Registered Nurse in Oz. That is my real online resume. Oh I am near Fort Lauderdale... Seriously there is never ever a good reason to add any other information. If someone is going to come hunt you down for such a simple identify; well, if you think so you are loopy...

In cyberspace most people are good and genuine and nice, the rest you can simply ignore or click away from. Form your own code of moral, ethical and behavioural rules that your conscious lets you feel is appropriate. Stop expecting disasters online when you probably drive your car like a distracted moron :)

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