Let me tell you why america cannot be saved and what you must do about it...

in #life8 years ago

In any country, you have 75% of the population "just trying to get along"...

Did you know that the annual federal budget is increased by percentage points every year? What this means is simple. The 18% of the GDP spent on Welfare gets spread over 17,500,000 citizens. However that 17% of last years GDP was spread across only 17,250,000 citizens.

What this means is there is one percent less for the military or healthcare or education or whatever. However now that one percent that was "issued" to welfare is split across more recipients. Thus there is less money all round, the people who NEED welfare suffer the worst, they have no options to do elsewise. When the government revises things they consider them like all other recipients. Thus those who WANT welfare 'steal' from the truly disabled. This affects everyone and harms relationships between government workers and clients.

Today they want people to start up their own small businesses, however people cannot. People are ultra busy trying to survive underwater loans and job cutbacks. People need time to "think" and 'plan', to organize and prepare. Add to this the truly abysmal education system in America. It focuses on people learning American history and other propaganda claptrap instead of learning about the whole world. The system teaches citizens to think INSIDE the square and to tolerate the system.

Now that the media is effectively "state" controlled you only learn the things that the political lobbyists want you to think about. Add to this problem people are entrenched in surviving in their current job industry, this means they know their own niche very well but fail to have the ability to consider options since this economic slavery is linked to vacation days and health care coverage.

Reality says that 99% of people will need some government assistance in older age. Add to this people are living far far longer, you must decide to be the 1% and plan carefully. You must beware lies, promises, get rich quick schemes and do your due diligence to arrange to diversify your income. Put another way you need to brainwash yourself to get out of thinking the government owes you anything.

You must declare war on the system, you must decide you will carefully plan and prepare an assault upon your government. You will not be a slave to the "working" for a 'living' till I get aged welfare. You must declare you will make yourself financially independent and then use every tax loophole to avoid paying taxes. I am not saying lie to the government, if you start an unlawful war with the US government they will destroy you as a criminal.

I am saying you start an economic war by making yourself so wealthy you have money to donate to charities to reduce your tax burden. Minimization is legal, evasion means jail, if you see the difference. We will talk about how to do this but download free books or whatever on brainwashing yourself to unlearn the poisonous ideas of just going to work. Turn the television off, no sports, no fishing, no entertainment; time to change your future.

I do not care if you do this thing, you are not my friend, my game plan is to be one of the one percent who can effectively have enough money to get by, I will not be rich but I will have enough to be comfortable and that is because 99% of my neighbours are the living poor on government welfare...

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