I am on a Mission from God so please get with the program or tell me to FL ICK OFF ! ! !

in #life7 years ago (edited)

So I am on the Dark Side of 50 and now into week four of 18 hour days. So I have created some momentum but clearly lack of sleep is becoming an issue...
The Quote " We are on a Mission from God " is from the 1980 Blues Brothers Movie; one of the greatest Cult movies of all time...
So I have this plan and I cannot do it alone...
If at first you do not succeed then try, try again...
Today people are fearful of scams,
Today people want their privacy respected,
Today people are fearful,
Today people are over stressed,
Today people are economic slaves,
Today people just want to be left lone,
Today people just want to sleep,
today people are totally wrapped up in their own little worlds . . .
Well I am here to slap a few people out of their complacency and remind them they are PART OF A GLOBAL VILLAGE ! ! !
To remind them they have responsibilities as citizens of society . . .
Bitcoin is here and I need your help to make yourselves an extra income so you are no longer looking at welfare into the future ! ! !
I tried friendly but it did not work,
I tried respectful but it did not work,
I tried polite but it did not work,
I tried direct but it did not work,
I tried forceful but it did not work,
I tried mystery but it did not work,
So now I have little to lose; now I get to try again and do something different ;) Time to slap a few people out of their complacent little lives and remind them there is more to life than " Days of our Lives " TV reruns or who is the best pick in their fantasy football team...
I do not have time for people to realize they are not financially independent to provide for their own economic future...
So wake up people and here is what is at stake; here is my Mission ! ! !
I am not a religious person; but my "faith" is KARMA, to do good and treat others nice. So I apologize for this verbal slapping but my need is great and you are the people to help out...
So here you can be anonymous, no one will know who you are ever . . .
A proven system at over 95% success rate to help others as you help yourself ! ! !
Hugz my friend, let me explain...
9 sets of eyes are better than one.
I need you in on this and here is why, i am fairly certain you are not a spy for a manipulation group; I might be wrong about that :).
Thus I need people who are nice and decent in on this.
The suicide rate for white lower educated males has now eclipsed the suicide rate for African Americans which was really bad.
These people were brought up to be providers, parents and to provide for their kids. Buy a house? LOL :( Many cannot even find a j-o-b...
We have to turn this around, females are getting lost in substance abuse, pawn and failed relationships as single parents.
I need you to contribute anything like research about a coin, to report patterns; whatever.
I have invented a excel calculator that works 95% of the time accurately.
I intend to loan this calculator for free to the socially disadvantaged so they can start to lift themselves out of economic slavery.
If we do not even try the shootings and riots will get worse.
No one will ever know who you are and no one will ever tell you to buy or sell anything.
My civilians are just arriving and Bitcoin is in the middle of a civil war...
I need all hands on deck from people of good conscious to try and give these people hope to again.
I need you to keep these people as far away from the welfare system as we can.
All it will cost you is a tiny bit of time; we work together and secretly and anonymously help completely unknown strangers.
This is legal,
This is ethical,
This is morally right,
Over time you will learn and you will learn a lot faster inside this disconnected group than you will learn on your own...
I have uncontrollable blood pressure and I am on the Dark Side of 50, I want to get rich and i want to build up good karma.
We have to give these people hope again, so they can see there is something worth living for...
You and I and others can slowly help even a few people out by teaching them how to become economically financially independent.
I want these people making so much money they can spend in their communities.
Sure some people will rip me off, but so what; I think most will realize there is enough money to go around.
People only tip me if they are making money and i need your help to stop these disenfranchised people from getting burned.
Information is power.
We will gain knowledge faster together and yet separately.
Well that is my game plan.
Plus we are taking this cryptocurrency off people who can afford to lose it.
If poor people are lost in gambling that is not our fault, if we take one percent off the rich or the criminals every day and put it to good use; how is that a bad thing???
My need is great or i would never have invaded your privacy...
BUT i do NEED you...
hugz :)
lots of love ;)
You learn this slowly with a twenty dollar risk, you practice and get smarter and better; you earn enough to provide for yourself because your government wherever you live is not going to be able to do it for you...
So now you can have a think and my work is done, I have shared a gift with you as KARMA ' requires ' me to do, my consciousness is appeased...
Now it is up to you, Please chose to get on board or please tell me to pizz off . . .
But at least let me know so I can move on or get some sleep ! ! !

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