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RE: Stress and How to Take Control of It

in #life7 years ago

I've written a book on stress and adaptation in physiology. It develops somewhat along the lines of dose response relationships and benefiting from stressors. Avoiding stress altogether is fragilizing (as also per Nassim Taleb)


It develops somewhat along the lines of dose response relationships and benefiting from stressors.

Yes and that is one of the points I was trying to make. We need a certain amount of stress.

It is not a simple dose response though - at least I have not seen anything that would support that. Like most biological parameters there seems to a healthy range.

Beyond a certain point/frequency it can be harmful and there is considerable evidence to back that up.

It is particularly so in those who have a genetic susceptibility to develop stress related illnesses and that may result in people overestimating how harmful it is.

Avoiding stress altogether is fragilizing (as also per Nassim Taleb)

I would agree with that.

you are disregarding adaptation.

I am not. Adaptation only works so far.

yep, it's here:

If you do get a chance to take a look, I'd appreciate some feedback.

Cool will do - I'll need to check if it is in the UK store though - Kindle books are bit funny when it comes to territorial stuff.

Edit: Found it and got it!

it's in all kindle stores.

then you cannot say it's not a dose-response issue.

I think you misunderstand. I said it is not a simple dose response relationship by which I mean it is not necessarily linear as one might see for certain types of drugs.

Forgot to ask - can you send me a link to your book - is it on Kindle? I would love to read it:)

of course it's not. if you research dose-response relationships, you'll see there are of different types: linear, non-linear, supralinear, biphasic, and so on. anyway, I'm not gonna interfere with your rationale.

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