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RE: Death and Dying - personal musings on how we deal with it and how that affects our lives

in #life8 years ago

As I age, (now mid-60s) I feel the imminent onset of death more acutely. I understand wavering between positions, as I've done so all my life. I like to think I'm progressing towards truth, even though I have a growing appreciation for the vast quantity of things I don't know.

Which I mention simply to encourage you in your wavering towards agnosticism... Admitting our own ignorance is, I think, a prerequisite for discovering the truth. ;)


Definitely. I do hope there is something and I think my main issue is I need some kind of proof and I hope that I will get it some day. That said I am not a fan of organised religion I think even if they were inspired by true events the human element (priests and just people in general) get in the way of the original message. Ultimately it is between you and whatever is out there - be it God, a sentient universe, universal consciousness - there are many names but I think the idea is much the same.

Sadly, I couldn't agree with you more that organized religion is a mess... :(

I pray you'll find the authentic hope that you seek! ;) I believe I know what that is, but I completely understand that you need to get there on your own. Let me know if I can be of any encouragement in your quest!

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