Do You Have the Chops To Be A Relevant Part of My Steemit Audience? - ReBoot...

in #life7 years ago (edited)

"I don't always write; but when I do, Aristotle, Shakespeare, and Hemingway read me."
- The Most Interesting Man On Steemit

This is a slightly updated version of one of my most popular posts from last year, re-presented here for the benefit of "Steemit: The Next Generation."


(or is it?)... A "tongue in cheek" reader evaluation self-test, special to Steemit.

I write for Steemit, but only qualified candidates need apply as followers... Those who follow my writing are special; cream of the crop; men and women of impeccable taste.

You are undoubtedly wondering,

What are the essential qualifications to be one of my regular readers?

Dos Equis Man

No, That's Not Me; But I Do Sport A Beard
Photo courtesy of Dos Equis

You Are A Discerning Individual

You are a discerning individual; a little like the Dos Equis Man. Though you think for yourself, you remain open-minded. You are interested in everything.

You're not easily influenced; you hold a steady course where others flip-flop. Nevertheless, you are not too proud to change your mind when the truth smacks you in the face.

Behold, The Universe.

Behold, The Universe.
Photo courtesy of Joshua Earle and

You are prepared to go toe-to-toe in a good, clean argument, more interested in learning than winning. You'll hit "Reply" to make an observation, ask a question, or mention something I may have overlooked. You're not afraid to either say or hear the words "I don't know."

You Are Neither Easily Shocked nor Quickly Offended

It doesn't scare you that I'm forthright about being a Christian. You hold your own beliefs and allow me to do the same. Knowing that I'll return the favor, you won't force your beliefs on me at the point of a gun, but you expect that we'll learn from one another.

You are neither easily shocked nor swiftly offended. You have no problem honestly disagreeing and debating a point. You're ready to call "bullshit" when necessary. Though very curious, you have more lives than a cat.

Rising or Setting?

On A Journey Towards Truth
Photo courtesy of Kalen Emsley and

Grateful To Be Alive

You observe the universe with feelings of awe. You are grateful to be alive and humble enough to admit when you are wrong. You're not afraid of a challenge; regardless of gender, you have balls. Whether whale, dolphin, or minnow, you are one sharp ocean dweller.

Rising or Setting?

Rising or Setting? Follow Me and I'll Tell You
Photo courtesy of Joshua Earle and

You Can Learn From Almost Anyone

You recognize that we have common interests, and you're not afraid to interact. New developments and ideas excite you; your face is towards the future, and it looks intriguing.

Though you believe you can learn from almost anyone, you realize your time limitations, so you choose carefully. I am one of your choices; you have no doubt that what I have to say will be well worth your time.

How Do You Stack Up?

Do you fit many, most, or all of these characteristics?
Then, by all means, follow me.


LOOK! Check out our amazing product:

Thanks for your time and attention.
You are why I'm here on Steemit!
I have very eclectic interests and hope, over time, to write about them all.

⬇️To Check Out @creatr's World⬇️CLICK Each Image Below⬇️

@creatr @creatr @creatr

Okay @creatr, you got me. Not only am I an unapologetic Christian, but, like you, I also speak fluent sarcasm. Kindred spirits. Following.

You're undoubtedly glad to be aboard, so Welcome! :)
We'll see what we can do to increase your fluency... ;)

Kindred spirits? Eclectic is my middle name...

For sure! Its a privilege, Sir. You are just too cool @creatr.

It is a privilege to follow you my friend!

Just the fact that by being your follower means that I have metaphorical testicles is pretty neat. 😆

I will continue to endeavor to display such quality qualifications !

Yes, the privilege is all yours, my friend.

Stay metaphorical!

When I first found you I really enjoyed your articles and the fact you were conversational in your comments. That's why I continued to visit and now you are one my neighbors I visit everyday. You have been so kind in your comments to me that I have a gained a great deal of respect for you. I have to admit I'm not a Christian but I enjoy reading your religious themed posts because I like hearing your perspective. You have lovely stories and humor so I'm a follower for the long haul.

My dear friend @marxrab,

Thank you so very much for your kind words. I'm delighted to hear that you visit regularly, because I really do want readers here on Steemit, even more than the $$$ (which I don't discount at all, by the way!).

I have been amazed by Steemit. Maybe it's a "pioneering spirit" or something? But I am truly grateful about how respectfully I have been treated here no matter what the religious or philosophical background of community members may be. And I truly do believe that I can learn from almost anybody, and certainly from so many I have met here who have interacted with me patiently and kindly.

Thanks for brightening my day! Steem on! ;)



This is an absolutely fabulous, 5-star piece of "Quality Content!"

I've enjoyed our discussions and definitely will get involved with more in the future. Apologies for getting overwhelmed between the new job and getting overwhelmed with responses lately coming at an unfortunate time. :P

I have to mention that I totally understand why the humor tag is in there, but the best part of this is that it really doesn't need to. <3

I don't always acknowledge reader praise; but when I do, it is with sincere appreciation.

The need for apologizing to me is far, far rarer than the occurrence of said apologies. I live in the same universe that you do, and I see s**t happen every day, so no worries!

I look forward to further discussions with you, and fully expect to have my mind expanded. Thank you for your very kind approbation.

Stay engaged, my friend!


hahaha I swear to god, i was watching last night a best of of Dos Equis advertisement!!! Nice to see this image there ^^ Kindred spirits!

Thank you. I am riding the coattails of one of the most engaging and smile-engendering advertising campaigns of all time. ;)
Stay amused, my friend! :D

You're my kind of guy. Two peas in a pod! :-)

Great read...thanks amigo.
And, YES

Yes, it was. Welcome, and good luck. ;)

I will humbly keep following you and look forward to what future posts and life will bring!

Excellent reply!
Follow on! ;)

Very late for me man but wanted to say hi and this is a good idea for this post.

Well done!!

The late reader finds the good writing.
Stay awake, my friend!

Even jetlagged and exhausted from a day of meetings, I still managed to chuckle after reading another one of your brilliant posts! I had no idea there was a category specifically dedicated to balls lol

There is much you are not aware of, my friend.

Stick around for much, much more.

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