The result of today's walk through the forest ...steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

I'm sorry, but there's no time to spread the rest of the photos, you need to mush fry 😁 the rest of the pictures from the forest, in the next post ...

Latvia , Riga.


are those mushrooms? make triple sure that they aren't poisonous

This chanterelles

Chanterelles are fantastic with garlic butter gently seared beef! Try it out :)

are they actually good? the only mushrooms that i've tried I haven't liked

They are really good when used correctly.

I didn't even think to tell you to make sure they aren't hallucinogenic

Looks great wow hope I can see the final picture

Nice! Well done on getting all of those. What are you planning on using them for? :)

That's a big haul! They have the color of chanterelles, but the stems seem a bit think. Are they something else?

Yes, This chanterelles

Make some mushroom curry then :-)

incredible! how long did it take you to gather all of these?

4 hours

that's amazing it looks great thanks a lot for sharing and keep on posting ;)

Ready 🤗

Wow! Looks delicious.

That looks awesome! What is in it @creadordelfuturo, besides the chanterelles? :)

Potatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes

Veggiemeal, nice! Are you a vegetarian by any chance?


Hope you don't mind me asking, but what are your motivations for staying Vegan? Is it due to wishing to spare animals, wanting to prevent global warming or due to taste preference? No matter what, it's very respectable of you.

The main motivation is logic ...

It looks so delicious and appetizing :D

This came out More Delicious and looking tasty

Very delicious.. Butterflies flying in my stomach :d

looks delicous from here.

Its very apetizing. Looks so delicious

Wow! That's a big haul. More free food from the forest!

Living of the spoils of the land is a rare skill! :)

that is a great pot of chanterelles, guess you will do some soup out of them

Only fry

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